I am wondering how to texture wood. I have struggled with it for some time. Anybody want to tell me? PLEASE!!!
well, aside from the simple “Use the wood teture, mapped to color dark brown, over a material that lis tan colored”, wood is actually very complicated. see a tutorial about wood, there was one recently in BlenderNation i think that covered adding coffee mug stains, and different grains, and boards laid side by side, etc.
If you’re willing to use an image instead of a procedural, you might want to give wood workshop a try.
Here is a quickie to get you started.
Thanks! I tried them all out and got great results! They all look cool! But sadly enough I can’t show you guys because I don’t know how:(
create a polorix account and upload your pics and blend files there, then cut and paste the link into your reply.
what’s a polorix account?
You can save a render (f3) and attach it to a post (for a reply you’d have to hit “go advanced” down there), too, as long as it’s under some size limits and in .png or .jpg format.
how do you make it bigger?
take a digital camera and take snap shots of some wood textures that you want
you can piece multiple shots together with photoshop or gimp
and save
then desaturate the image(turn to grayscale) and save that
use that image for your normal mape and or displacement map
(this is an alternative to procedural mapping)