It looks a bit off, especially the edges on the left side and at the bottom.
I’d appreciate any advice on how to make this look better (I intend to use it as a main element on a website).
Thanks to all
Well I don’t really see anything wrong with the edges, but that may be because it’s on a background that is so similar to the object. They are a bit hard to tell apart.
Do you mean those little white borders ? I think that has something to do with the anti aliasing , but I’m not sure. I guess the simplest solution would be to add a negative hemi light and put that and the plate in a second layer and then let the hemi light subtract the white light by shining on the bottom side of the plate. Due to the edgyness (does that word exist ?!) the hemi light should only kill the light on the sides of the plate, but I’m not sure whether that really works…
as much as I want to, I can’t really see what you mean. I suppose it’s just one of those ‘ticks’ a modeler gets after working too intensive on a quality issue. It looks fine to everyone else, really!
I agree that it is not very clear what you are having an issue with. Are you using a sub-surf modifier? If so, you may want to add in some edge loops and slide them toward the edges to crisp things up. When using a sub-surf, typically you will have 3 loops per edge; one loop defines the actual edge, while the others are placed on either side of this loop and define the radius of the bevel. I’m not sure if this is actually your problem, as you haven’t really explained what you are having an issue with.