Words in Motion: Rhythm WIP

Hey there!

I am currently working on the follow-up of my Complexity animation. It is going to be a typographic interpretation of the word “Rhythm”.

I have attached an image to show you, what it looks like right now, and maybe you could give me some advice on the look? Should I add more contrast, should it be rather warm or cold? I am very thankful for any kind of advice, so don’t hesitate to comment! :slight_smile:

Also, if you are interested in finding out more about this, you can read this blog post on my brand new website :wink:


So, the first perspective is fully rendered and I am now starting to render the second one:

I would still very much appreciate any comments on what I should do in post, because I am not quite pleased with the look right now. Looking forward to some of your opinions :wink:


Hello again!
I am rendering the last frames, which I have to do myself, as the renderfarm did not produce the correct output files for some frames. In the meantime I have started post processing a bit, as you can see in the first post and in the image attached to this post.
What do you think? Does the grading work? what should I change?


Hey there!

I’m sorry do post in this thread after such a long time, but I have finally found some time to start editing, after all the important render fixes have been done!

Here’s a quick screenshot:


Hey guys!
This could be the final video, but first I wanted to ask you if there is anything I should change before making it public and calling it finished. Any feedback would be really appreciated! :wink: