work in progress - Bl3nDoc

Bl3nDoc is a project that is trying to put all the spanish documentation about Blender in a single CD-ISO to free download.

here is our web log

nice idea …any chance to get it in other languages?

Bl3ndoc’s staff is setting up the first release, so we need all the efforts in this way

In the future, we may think about an English Bl3nDoc, but it depends on many things (more people involved from all over the world, for example)

In my opinion, a thing such as Bl3nDoc in English is very necessary since the tutorial stuff in English is more big and unorganized than in any other language.

The download of Bl3nDoc will be absolutely free.

Bl3ndoc is mainly intended to people who don’t have a good Internet connection at home, so they can not see the documentation on-line

Bl3ndoc is also intended to people who are not allowed to download anything in the places where they usually connect (public library, university, cibercafe, etc). The Bl3nDoc CD will be sent by postal service on demand.

Bl3nDoc is also intended to newbies who want a first met with Blender. All the stuff will be oriented to them.

hey alvaro are you Inmigrante?

Of course :wink: :wink: :wink: