Work safety

My first post in this forum, so some words to introduce myself… First I am french…this for explaining my poor english…And in a second time I am a beginner in the 3D univers…this for explaining the poor quality of my “production”.
I have made this video in about 5 or 6 month, and in the same time i learn to use Blender.
I have already post this work on a french forum, but the more you get criticism, more you can progress. :slight_smile:
If you have some time for me you can get my video here :

Ahh, that made me laugh.

Few have an entertaining clip to show after just half a year, nice job!

After the worker gets his helmet, once the stairs come into the view, one has to wonder where the other guy is/was.

There are timing problems, starting with the title fading out a bit too soon. At the end, there should be a bit more time spent with the workers expression.

It’s a bit strange how legs and arms are so different.

for Rocketman:
Thank you, as it was the goal, your remarks is very gratifying for me.
for Thorwil :
Thank you for the remarks, I will take them in considération for my futurs works (especially for the timing problem!), and regarading the arms and legs, I try in fact to contruct my figure with civil works products (the body is a man home, the arms were pipes, the legs are two alf railways sleepers…and the head a septic tank :smiley: )