Hi I am curious how other people’s workflow is like to model something organic that has 3d scans or detail textured, etc in combination with mechanical assembly features.
I 'd like to 3D print the model and assemble them together by having some simple push in joinery. To have the right toleance between the connection parts, I have to be specific with the diameters. So I’m thinking of modeling and texturing in Blender, then import it in Rhino to Boolean the connector parts. What do you guys suggest?
I think you might be better off, modeling the connectors in Rhino and exporting to Blender…
Trying to work with a Mesh Obj, in Rhino, can give you problems, as Rhino has its interpretation of what a Mesh Object is, and it isn’t a Blender Mesh object…Converting in Rhino using Mesh to Nurbs doesn’t quite work, it will act in strange ways with boolean operations…
Your joints can be made in Blender if you keep your SCALE as 1,1,1 which means applying scale consistently. Then it will export with perfect dimensions to your slicer, without converting or using any scale hacks.
You can set Use Advanced Numeric Input, to get dimensions as close as possible ( it doesn’t have Rhino’s margin of error for specific tolerances, but if you are using PLA or PVC as your print the shrinkage factor isn’t enough to worry about.
Some PINS for joints just require a hole to receive them…