Working machinery

I’m looking to make a vehicle with working steering (both front tires turn by moving one bone or empty). I remember back awhile ago someone posted a nice locomotive-like machine with some working mechanics, but can’t find it (to examine). I’d specifically like to make two pieces move as if there was a “pin” holding them together for rotation. ideas?

PS, In one of my projects, I can’t get armatures to work, while if I open a new blender project they work properly. What could cause this?

Click on the linked chain constraints tag, select the wheel you want to use to turn, press n, write down its name, select the other wheel, in the constraints section click add, select type as: Copy rotation, and in the empty box write the name of the first wheel, remembering that capitals aren’t the same as lowercase. now when you turn one wheel the other one also turns!!

Note: If the wheel ends up back to front go to edit mode and rotate the vertices 180 degrees
Hope that helps


This is pretty good. It does almost what I want, except that one of my wheels (the linked one, not the master) warps slightly when I rotate the master wheel. The master looks very natural - no warping - unless I copy the rotation of something else like an empty. Anything I copy the rotation to seems to get a little jiggy. (I should note that my “wheel” is several meshes parented to a little axle of each wheel). I’m using my axle for my roation copying).
How do I minimize the warpage?

Maybe that one was me…

look at the movie section on my site, there is a ‘locomotive type’ machine and 4 wheels steering and leaving tracks. If that is what you need I’kll try to explain


I’m afraid I can’t help with the warpping as I have been unable to duplicate that effect myself.

Try a new clean test blend and see if you can duplicate the behaviour, if you can say how and I will try to help.

Edit: New thought, maybe in modelling your axes got a bit screwy, you could try the axis clearing method in one of the threads on this forum (started by me), and see if the helps.
