Working on a Human male, need feedback

I have no idea why he looks weird. I need guidance and feedback. I’m lost.

Show us your reference images

You need front on and side on references, all these pictures are from essentially the same angle and it’s not a very helpful reference angle

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My first thought would be get rid of the hair do that last. Post a side view and a front view.

You know, last week a suggested video popped up in my YouTube feed about characteristics of real human faces and how to fix a face model to account for them. I thought I had added it to my “watch later” list (because I want to watch it). Alas, it appears I didn’t, and I cannot figure out the magic combination of words to feed Google or YouTube to find it.

There are, however, quite a few very good videos about modeling realistic heads in Blender. That said, it is not an easy skill. These days I usually opt to save myself a lot of time and just use a MakeHuman mesh and modify the snot out of it. If you want, there are even a few options to transform pictures to a mesh. (Most of those options cost money, but a few of them don’t — they just need more effort from you.) Again, spend some time looking around YouTube to see what appeals to you.

Now, as to your model’s current weirdness:

The ocular ridge around the eyes is excessively deep and sharp. The edge along the brows and along the length of the nose is very sharp. No one’s nose does that. Noses are round across the ridge, not square.

The philtrum (between nose and lip) looks off to me.

The sternocleidomastoid muscles are part of the neck — don’t bend them around it. Also, they should not be so low or prominent, nor should they obscure the clavicles, which are largely missing on your model.


There are quite a few good hair how-tos. For stylized hair, I recommend

For more realistic hair you cannot do any better than anything by Nazar Noschenko. If you go to his channel he has a playlist for everything you need to know for beautiful particle hair.

These days, of course, people are very much into the Geometry Nodes Hair thing. I find it a pain, but it works… (I’ll be posting my latest shortly, which uses GeoNode hair. Took me as long just to mess with the hair as it did to model+texture+light everything else.)


I personally prefer drawing my character’s eyebrows using the nifty method in this video

It is unclear how he snaps the plane to the face: use the Snap tool with Face Project and Project Individual Elements selected. Alternatively, use a Shrink Wrap modifier with “Project” selected for Wrap Method, then Apply the modifier.

Real Details

Finally, there are a few fine details that are easy to overlook. There are plenty of videos about this, but this one is a good go-to for all the basics:

Real-looking humans are obnoxiously complex.

I hope this helps you some. Modeling people is a difficult skill. Good luck!


Seek Hossein Diba, Kris Costa, J Hill, and Outgang videos on YouTube for references of the sculpt process…