Working on an adventure-rythm game, Patapon-style. In dire need of a 3D artist.


My name is Nepho, didn’t have the chance to introduce myself on this forum. I tried Blender for a few days, got some models, tried my hand at animating them, and here I am, looking for some support.

About the project:

I’m working on a

-like adventure/rhythm game. The video explains pretty much everything about the gameplay: you have to input commands matching the tempo, and your army acts according to what you input. The game has a very strong personality regarding its art (graphics, musics, and sounds), and the only idea I’m keeping from it is the gameplay, because I personally think that there is more to do with that concept, and it is really fun.

I started working on this project roughly two weeks ago. I’m using Unreal Engine 4, and apart from the textures (there might be things that I’m not aware of), the models and animations export from Blender without trouble. Right now, I got a very early prototype up and running. I did this to set the gameplay’s rules, try my hand at UE4, and actually just try to put it all together to see what I could do.

I quickly realized that the 3D work needed for a decent content (in term of quality and quantity) was enormous, and since I’m neither good with Blender or a full-time gamedev, I need someone way better at this than me.

The assets I need:

For now, I’m mainly looking for :

  • Basic environment assets (boulders, trees, flowers, grass, low-poly background mountains)
  • An humanoid model with possible basic customization (2 types of armor, sword, helmet) and several animations (idle, run, walk backward, jump, attack, die)
  • One or several structures (no directions)

I know that I’m not super specific, but I don’t have much skill when it comes to drawing/modelling, I just know that the game will take place in a medieval time. I’m not looking for very realistic graphics, obviously low-poly would be great for several reasons. For some inspiration, I really like the style used by Supercell in their mobile games.

Details about me:

I’m a french student from EPITA, in last year, specializing in the GISTRE (realtime/embedded/OS) major. I’ve never worked on big project outside of my school, and I don’t have much experience in video-games. I’m still pretty new to UE4 but took several courses on Internet, and I’m feeling pretty confident with it. The project is fully developed in C++ (with bits of Blueprint here and there, that’s how UE4 works). While I’m clearly not the best C++ dev, I do have a lot of experience with the language.
I’m still studying, so I don’t know how much time I’ll be able to dedicate to this project. On the best days, I can work more than 6 hours on it. With someone/some people involved, I could get really motivated and have a lot of good days!

Remuneration option:

As stated several times earlier, I’m a student and although I am serious and dedicated to this project, I do not have any money to invest in it (at least regarding the state it’s currently in). If I can find someone/some people that would like to associate with me on this game, we could share the revenue when our game is done, and published. I cannot offer anything other than that.

If you have any question, feel free to ask them on this post, or by contacting me on my mail address: [email protected]