working script list on os x and 2.28

Hmmm, went there and downloaded the latest version.

Modified it a little (it wants to add \ before file names).

Tried it on some existing files…either it hung or it was taking forever.

Tried it on a simple sphere - it exported, but the resulting XML caused yafray to segfault :frowning:

Checked yafray with an example file and it worked fine (camera.xml.gz)

Any ideas ?


Hmmm, went there and downloaded the latest version.

Modified it a little (it wants to add \ before file names).

Tried it on some existing files…either it hung or it was taking forever.

Tried it on a simple sphere - it exported, but the resulting XML caused yafray to segfault :frowning:

Checked yafray with an example file and it worked fine (camera.xml.gz)

Any ideas ?


:smiley: yeah there are some bugs to it.
First open your console program.
Second , make sure that your blender file does not have ANY broken meshs( item fith out a face, like a line)
third, do not have your camera parented to anything.

Now make sure your mesh count is small. Sub-meshs will take forever.
when you press export, do not press render !

Look at your console, it will say stuff like uv mesh , blah blah…
when it says frame exported. find the file and drop it in terminal

Why no render button export ? Because you will have to fource quit blender if it starts to take to long, but terminal can be stopped with command + .


That was pretty much what I was doing :slight_smile:

Went back and tried again as follows…

Started Blender
Made sure I had an empty scene
Created a mesh cube
Created a camera and placed it
Created a light and placed it
Rotated the cube so it was corner toward the camera
Loaded the Extractor script
<console> Frame Exported
<terminal> yafray <filename>

Guess it’s just not going to work for me :frowning:


It will . I have to get back to you though. As I have spent too much time trouble shooting it and now know how to make it work.

First thing is the Terminal giving Warning messages ?

Nope, no warnings.

When I run Extractor I get the following in the console:

Using a clean Global Dictionary.

Exporting Faces


--------------------Frame Exported-------------------

When I run yafray I get the following in the terminal:

Starting parser …
Segmentation fault

The crash log from yafray looks like this:

Date/Time: 2003-08-19 04:17:08 +0100
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host: Vigor10

Command: yafray
PID: 837

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x2f526572

Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x00092bd0 in parser_t<lval_t>::parse()
#1 0x00001afc in _start (crt.c:267)
#2 0x0000197c in start

PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x00092bd0 srr1: 0x0000f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x00092978 ctr: 0x90005320 mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x00000001 r1: 0xbfffedb0 r2: 0x000000e2 r3: 0xbfffefd0
r4: 0x2f52656e r5: 0x0000000d r6: 0x0000000d r7: 0x00138e70
r8: 0x00138e70 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000 r11: 0x001397e0
r12: 0x0011cd60 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x000ba514 r19: 0x000ba514
r20: 0x000ba514 r21: 0xbffff194 r22: 0x00000001 r23: 0x00000388
r24: 0xbffff89c r25: 0xbffff8dc r26: 0x00000030 r27: 0xbfffedf0
r28: 0x00139840 r29: 0x00000068 r30: 0xbffff860 r31: 0x000927f8

(Yes it IS that time in the morning here)


Extractor is an amazing script. I love YableX but Extractor does all the material assigning as per blender materials which I find a major time saver.

One thing though: Why use the 1st subsurf button and not the second. ?

The second one would make more sense as this is the render subsurf button. Is it not possible to interface via python?

Soletread: When I output the mesh, it goes from the raw mesh data, and therefore, doesn’t really interface with those buttons. It just so happens that the first button is the one that effects the exportable mesh data. If I could use that button, I would :slight_smile:

Setanta: could you post your XML? I would like to try to render it on my machine and see if it is a platform issue or an export issue. Also have you gotten v 0.0.6b? I just posted it the other night. Extractor is still in active development and I know there are some bugs in it. I’ll do my best to weed out the ones that are giving you heartburn.

Everyone: Thanks for the great feedback so far on extractor. I began this project a month ago when yable got broken with 2.28. Now it has taken on a life of it’s own. Please feel free to email me bugs/feature requests etc and I’ll see what I can do. In the mean time…enjoy.

I realy should get around to updateing stuff when I post.

From a PM : " Soletread:
Hey there.

I tried the 5c and 6b versions, and sadly both of them have the same problem - still segfaulting

I ran the same file through a recent, unoffical release of Yablex and it worked OK.

Thankfully having a working copy to compare against, I was able to find the problem. It seems like Yafray doesn’t like long path names in the XML file. Yablex uses a different way to specify the path and avoids this problem. Because you embed the complete path name in the XML, my (long) path caused Yafray to segfault.

Pretty poor behaviour on the part of Yafray IMO - it really should have given an error message. The length of path I was using wouldn’t be unusual on a Un*x type machine for sure, and I would doubt that it would be too unusual on a Wintel box either.

So, I saved a file off at the root of my hard disk, and it worked

You might want to either change how you handle pathnames to avoid this problem, or at least put in a check that the pathname isn’t too long. And whine at Yafray for not being able to handle it

Now that’s sorted it seems to work fine - nice job


guitargeek wrote:

When I output the mesh, it goes from the raw mesh data, and therefore, doesn’t really interface with those buttons. It just so happens that the first button is the one that effects the exportable mesh data. If I could use that button, I would

Damn, that’s a pity. :expressionless:

For cartoons:

I would love to use this script, by the time I get to turning on the subsurf for the last couple of meshes. My comp is just toooo slow.
To get a matte texture I have to turn down all the ref values to 0. All objects naturally turn black in blender, but render the correct colours in Yafray very nicely.

For Logo work:


Thanks man. Keep up the good work.

As far as the black materials in Blender when ref is 0 , I’m trying to think of a better way to do that so you don’t loose your color in Blender renders. Extractor is definitely still a WIP. The newest feature I’m working with is a way to assign a mesh to be an area light, then if it has more than one face, it will make an area light out of each face. The color would be pulled from a mat on that mesh, power would be from the ‘emit’ value I still need a way to assign samples and psamples, but it is coming along and I’m getting some cool results. Check out the examples folder on the site for a quick video of an animated arealight.

I am also going to remove the absolute path of the outfile from the XML.

what happened to the message board for Yafray ?
And why do the Blender renders vary Wildly from Extractor ?

I’m not sure what happened to yafray, I thought it was just my connection. I hope it comes back soon!

As far as the differences between Yafray–>Blender Renders, there are a few things.

  1. Lights, I am still working to tweak the lights so the are more like thier Blender counterparts. But there are certain Yaf lights that are not in Blender.

  2. Materials. The way I am pulling materials from Blender, If you want a non-reflective object in Blender, you have to turn the ref value all the way down, you get a black material in Blender. I think I might interface with the env button or something else to make the material reflective.

Other than that, I’m not sure. Right now extractor pull data from all layers, something else that needs to be added.

Ok, about the lights. How about createing a “Yafray” light in blender through a script. So it lights up the scene in blender to the power that yafray 's light will have. So we can at least see how much the brightness will be. To that effect…

Materials… Pressing toon in blender then into yafray , shows no toon. The shaders really need to be somewhat recognizable.

Untill Yafray comes back. I think you should create a new Message at this board.

I have the Souce just in case Yafray went *poof *
Hope not

fun ^v^

Even as a WIP it is very useful and I am very grateful.

The area lights idea sounds brilliant.

Nice work, dont forget to get some sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

no , never get sleep. ^V^ ^^V^V^V^V^V^V^ V^V :smiley: :smiley: :< :<

Ok . Ok . A REALLL, working script list for OSX

download go poof*

It has a bunch of realy good stuff, and It has Tuhopuu2.

Mostly all scripts work now, And if they do not.
Just ask Theeth or Jms, and others and they will nicely assist.

Fun ^v^ ^o^ oo oooo Mokey ^o^ oo ooo

I downloaded that zip file. Inside the zip file are 2 files. lighweight.blend and Tuhopuu Colory, when I open them, blender starts and immediately closes. I am using 2.28a. How do I look at those files? Am I doing somethign wrong?


You are on OSX yessss…?

Tuhopuu colory is Blender. Just double click it to start it.
Lightweight is a blend file. If it does not open. Then you should be able to append the text files out of it.

I never found out if the zip file even works. as nooooo body even said hi and thankyou. So I have no real clue if it works. Except when I download it it works for meee. ^v^

I am here to help.

Yeah, I am on OS X too


You are on OSX yessss…?

Tuhopuu colory is Blender. Just double click it to start it.
Lightweight is a blend file. If it does not open. Then you should be able to append the text files out of it.

I never found out if the zip file even works. as nooooo body even said hi and thankyou. So I have no real clue if it works. Except when I download it it works for meee. ^v^

I am here to help.[/quote]

did that work then ?