Working with audio files: basics!


I am struggling with the very basics of working with an audio file within blender. So far, I have only rendered silent animations and mixed in the sound using a 3rd party software (kdenlive).

The official blender wiki has close no no information concerning work with audio.

In SR4-Sequence window layout, I have been able to import a .wav file to a new blender file. However, when I play the sequence (press the ‘play’ button in the timeline window), there is no sound. In the Sequencer panel, the ‘mute’ button is not pressed.
Am I supposed to hear anything at this stage?

Generally speaking, do you know any good tutorial for beginners to add sound effects and background music to an animation?

Or do you all do what I do: work with silent animation and add sound effects in post-processing with another software?
The above tutorial does not work for me as far as hearing sound is concerned.

I am working on a Kubuntu 9.10 platform. Sound usually works.

Oh! I found a mute button in the timeline window. It works now that I engage the sound there!
So, I have been able to answer my most basic question.

I’d still be happy to hear from you as far as:

  • existing tutorials
  • your general workflow
    for working with sound.
