Working with touchpad


Does anyone have a manual on how to work with the touchpad in Blender?

What do you think is better: touchpad or mouse?


Working on a touchpad in Blender is near impossible, you can’t do anything without a middle mouse button

Thank you for your attention

I have another question:

I have a large projector to use with Blender.

What type of input: mouse, touchpad, etc., do you suggest for use in Blender while sitting far from the computer desk? To use the entire length of the projector?

It doesn’t matter, if the screen is big or far!!
Just use what you like to control it.

Wireless and cable have still limitations in lengths between controlor and receiver, so you need to check the specs of your interfaces.

But sitting in the chair, what would you choose to use on your lap?

Use at least a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse. You will need a small table or something for your mouse though. Max distance in general is about 2 to 3 meters for wireless. You might also use a Wacom tablet, the cable is pretty long, but again 2 meters.

I have been working using projectors and big screens for about 10 years.

A TV tray… A pillow… a piece of plywood wrapped in fine Italian leather…

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And I mean so you don’t have to carry much weight on your legs while sitting, so the laptop can be somewhere else, and you have just the keyboard on your pillow (and there are some extra light wireless keyboards, and also allows you to have a full keyboard with full numpad, which is one of the best options when using Blender with the 3 buttons mouse. Also you can rotate and move your keyboard much better than handling even the lightest laptop)

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Since i have been using a graphics tablet i can’t either use the middle mouse scroll wheel, but at least i can remap the middle mouse button that is usually weak and worns with over use in cheap to average mouses. and for “scrolling” i just use the Pan view in the editors instead and dolly zoom for zooming in the viewport… also one improvement of using tablet is that you use the forearm/shoulder more and less the wrist for small movements thus less wrist strain…