works collection

Hi all,

I collect some my older and some really old works. I dont want looking back and finished it. I hope in close future will start new project and maybe better :slight_smile:

Click for full size

Your work is truly amazing and beautiful!

Are all made and rendered in blender?

Looking forward to see more of your work :yes:

thx man :slight_smile: …yes, all was made in blender (modeling and rendering) …postprocess in node editor and gimp

I like the little creatures on right, they have some charm to them. Big guy on left have some problems in chest area, but overall looks like you did a lot o great job in there. Melting guy is also cool. Overall very good job for blender artist :slight_smile:

thanks :slight_smile: …these works are not good. Many mistakes are there …i hope, later will make better stuff :slight_smile: