World > Texture - 360 degree background image problem

The above image I have as the World > Texture for the background. I want it to be 360 degrees horizontal and 180 vertical around the scene. The image has a ratio of 2:1.

This image is one of the rendered scenes, with the background image. Good so far.

But when I track the camera 360 degrees horizontally around the floating liquid, the background ends up being only 180 degrees and to make up the other 180 degrees the background is repeated and mirrored.

How can I make that 2:1 image to wrap 360 degree horizontally around the scene, instead of 180 + 180 mirrored?

I have added an additional image to try and explain my problem further.

How can I get the World > Texture image as seen in the Preview window wrap 360 degrees around the scene? The camera follows the path for 150 frames in a 360 degree circle but the background image only covers 180 degrees then is flipped horizontally for the other 180 degrees.

I need the background image to wrap the entire 360 degrees, the image has a 2:1 aspect ratio. Thanks

Len Whistler

I believe you are trying to use an equirectangular panorama, although it doesn’t look complete, but I assume that’s an artistic choice or maybe you had a cylindrical panorama that you are trying to use as an equirectangular.

Anyways, Blender does not support equirectangular panoramas. You will have to convert it to an angular map using something like “Luminance HDR” (Free, open source).
Go to Edit --> Projective transformation, then chose “Polar” to “Angular” conversion. (Polar=Equirectangular here)

Then to use the angular map, chose texture coordinates as “Angmap” and not Global as you have now.

EDIT: The panorama you are trying to use does look like a cylindical panorama, and you may not be able to use it even after conversion.
You may find some good 360 maps here:

Free for non-commercial use, plus attribution required wherever you use them. You should check the license yourself though.

Thanks GodOfBigThings

Yes the image is an equirectangular panorama, it has a ratio of 2:1 and the strip along the top and bottom is just some texture to reflect on the fluid sphere, it isn’t in the scene as I wont be pointing the camera up or down. I’m surprised Blender doesn’t support equirectangular panorama’s.

I will now look into converting the equirectangular panorama into a angular map. I do have Luminance HDR.

Thanks again for your help.