I made this image in a few variations, and couldnt decide which was best, so i thought i would let you all decide. Please comment and criticise
thanks guys
P.S i have it in desktop background size if you want
I made this image in a few variations, and couldnt decide which was best, so i thought i would let you all decide. Please comment and criticise
P.S i have it in desktop background size if you want
Neat, took me a bit to figure out what it was, but haha, good concept, the second is more clear of what is going on but the 1st more soft, I donโt like the third much though.
ahh, maybe i should work on making it more clear.
Yup, some color would go a long way, unless thereโs an artistic reason for leaving it white.
That said, even if it is simple, I really like it! Maybe you could do the second one, but without black lines around the clouds? Just a thought.
Nice Concept. I too like the second one.
thanks for your feedback everyone!
ill try to update with few more versions with your ideas (colour, clouds, etc.).