Yup, Me again
So, you’re probably thinking: ‘What! Him again, he’s only just done Bug Mania and he’s working on Another Realm!’
:eyebrowlift2: True
However, i’ve been going through demo after demo, i’ve been on a roll lately :D. Everyday after school, a new game is created.
Anyway, here’s the next one: Worm Adventure
It’s the first level only atm (which is easy and may I point out, that you CAN get up the ramp, just with skill )
Ingame screen:
And the main man himself (cartoony style, if you’re wondering about the terrible shading :D)
.blend ~here~ (Edit link updated with music created by myself Edit)
It’s very simple. The armature setup is the main controller. The mesh around it does basicaly nothing. The armature has logic bricks on it. So: When W is pressed, it is set to move forward, in this case. As with A,S,D controls. The camera is simply parented to the messo when the mesh moves, the camera follows. It’s very simple Loads of tuts around if you need one.