Worst model on turbosquid


If you can find a model priced higher than 1088$ USD, or worse:eek: than the one in the link above post it here :yes:

I found something worse http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/free-swamp-boat-swampboat-3d-model/516592
a swap boat made of primitives…:eek:

just when you didn’t think it could get any worse…
a truck made of primitives…:no:

ouch… :eek:

hey, it’s been downloaded 9 times :slight_smile: maybe someone was looking for a base mesh and remodified it…

edit - well, I’d say that maybe the people who posted these were trying to maybe get some feedback, or contribute to the community… I long while back I wanted to submit a render of my Space Shuttle to the Blender.org gallery :stuck_out_tongue: it would never have made it in, lol

You could probably whip up a better base in about 5 secs using primitives.:yes:

I once found a model of an Egyptian women. :slight_smile: The model was not that bad (if it were cheap) but the price tag was 15000$ :smiley:

150K$? seriously? :eyebrowlift2: lol, I wonder what a really good model would cost using that scale…

found this for 1088

that dude was serious he didn’t miss a thing and rendered everything. Probably for if someone wanted to create animated porn which seems really far off.

150K$? seriously? :eyebrowlift2: lol, I wonder what a really good model would cost using that scale…

Sorry, I posted to quickly, but it was still 15K, I reckon that the author’s 0-button of the keyboard kind of stuck :smiley: The highest one now is 5K

Highest I saw in the people section was the one I posted a link to. If you can find a higher priced or worse model and have the link post it here.

All those being from Blender would give some naive people the impression Blender is like MSpaint when it comes to modeling if those were the very first Blender made things they saw.

I wouldn’t be surprised if such bad modeling was done with commercial apps. but a plausible reason for more of these being made in Blender is due to it being free and young teens can freely download it, make some simple thing out of primitives, and see how much money they can make from it. Maybe to buy some top of the line PC rig or something.

I should put in a scene called “I am Rich” and sell it for 1K, if it’s deleted then make “I am Poor” and sell it for a dollar (can you guess what I’m referencing to?):stuck_out_tongue:

IMO, posting models like that made with Blender kinda gives blender a black eye, makes blender look bad. Those bad blender models are worse than what google sketchup can produce. Heck, I’ve made better models using ZModeller for an ancient video game!

I’m almost surprised there isn’t a model of the default cube…:spin:


Be careful of what you wish for

woah, 20$ for a cube as awesome as that? :eek: gotta get one of those! :yes:

It’s even more surprising that people bought it and the page has a line of text saying
TurboSquid quality guarantee:rolleyes:

Maybe Turbosquid should have a quality control policy that would only allow models of at least decent quality to have a price and all the ones cobbled together with a few primitives as well as the default cubes being free. I know Apple at least has quality control for their app. store (though it works differently)

uhh, wtf, you should warn have warned people that this is very sexually suggestive XD lol

If I were to sell a model there… It would be worth free - 1 dollar, unless it was something awesome like Watermelons… I would sell that for 2 dollars :slight_smile:

Hmmm… Maybe I should try making an untextured, default grey pencil and sell it for 10$, there? :slight_smile:

The default grey looks better than that horribly rendered red cube… So actually… Hmm, I could sell it for 30$ instead :slight_smile:

Well, here’s a pretty badly modeled car, not that I could do much better… but, here…

^^^It has 30,000 faces and zero vertices. A miracle car!