So, I was gonna make Sasuke’s sword for Swordtember 2024, but I didn’t know we’d have concept art.
Have to restart.
It may never get to have materials.
So, I was gonna make Sasuke’s sword for Swordtember 2024, but I didn’t know we’d have concept art.
Have to restart.
It may never get to have materials.
Any sword is fine.
The way Swordtember works is someone makes a list of swords he or she wishes to model, typically following a theme. Others join in.
There is absolutely no reason not to make a cool sword you want to make. The awesomer the better-er.
So someone made some random list of swords and it’s up to us to follow the concept?
Yes, someone makes a list of swords that he or she* wants to model, and posts the daily updates on the forum.
That is a natural invitation for others to join in the fun.
I do not know why swords or why September, only that the exercise is popular enough that it is now a semi-official annual event here on BA.
*Said person is often one of the more interesting people here. (Short, daily model+texture+light exercises are common among those who seek to really improve their craft.)
Google “Faith Schaffer Swordtember”
Where did you come from? You’re not welcome here, I know you own the place.
Sorry I’m just joking, Love what you’ve done to help us all out
Ohhh, so it was someone else’s Idea