Would this be of use?

Would the cloth simulation on this site be any good for use in Blender, it seems fast.



Of course it would, I’m certainly not the only one who has ever wanted to simulate cloth, but the questions are whether the code is open-source and if so, could it be implemented?

I have e-mailed the author to find out, didn’t think of that :expressionless: DOH


This is pretty cool. Any word from the author about code availability yet?

Yes the author did reply to my E-mail, Unfortunatly he is still licencing the software for use, he is aware of blender, and may make clothsim, availabel at a (much) later date. :frowning:

Ken :frowning:

could he charge for it.

ie make a closed source libary
or and precompliled plugin.

i’m willing to pay a reasonable amount for a desent cloth sim in blender.

or maybe we could bribe him as a comunity as a whole :wink:

Maybe if more people from this community contacted him, he could be badgered into submision :smiley: , or maybe he could give Blender org a special licence, and only if it was used for commercial use would he charge for it, although that would detract from the Blender way somewhat.

There is Topixcloth that sort of works with Blender, Maybe that script could be worked on by the comunity.


I think adding a closed source dependency to Blender would violate the GPL.


i know the maths behind this ( mass-spring systems, solving systems of PDEs )
a closed source plug in won’t do it because . cloth simulation needs to detect collision with the object it is supposed to stick to.

did you notice thoose clothes only wrap simple objects. collision is calculated by simple math expressions.

the paper the author refers to does clothes on human and mentions a bounding box btree to detect collisions. from a hackers view: animation requires building the volume model again for every ! frame !

would not want to try this unless a 2000 GHz machine is avialable


still cloth simulation and water dynamics are blatent holes that need filling in blender. I know there comlex subjects but … i guess im learning c++ but i’m not gonna be anywhere near good enough ever.