This has nothing to do with advocacy. Not one bit…
ad-vo-ca-cy - the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending
I haven’t seen pleading, but definitely supporting, perhaps some could be considered recommending. Even the poll question pertains. But either way it is, is does pertain to a prohibitied action here on elysiun, and in the past they have been closed for similar talk. Now whether or not things have changed, I don’t know.
I think I’ve made it quite clear through my comments that I do not advocate piracy. You’re entirely wrong, and you’re not contributing to the discussion.
Desoto, you’re not advocating piracy. Acasto, the admins would padlock the discussion if they thought it got out of hand or inappropriate.
Perhaps I should’ve prefaced this thread with a mention of the fact that it has specifically to do with an instance discussed in the blender IRC channel.
It doesn’t matter what your views are. The question wasn’t meant to be one sided. So you are inviting those who do advocate it to post their opinion.
It doesn’t matter what you advocate or don’t. A discussion about the topic period usually leads across the line. Unless a topic such as this is regulated by a nazi, they never go anywhere within the guidelines.
You’re entirely wrong, and you’re not contributing to the discussion.
Because unless it is concerning some new way to “legally” watch movies before they come out, any contribution that isn’t against it would be either right-on or crossing the line.
Proabably not off kazaa or something, but if somebody had it at a LAN party and it was only going to take like 1 minute to copy…
Sorry, but i hated the ending of reloaded. To be concluded?! WTF?! I need to know at least what happens next.
Acasto relax. Nobody who said they would download it even suggested a method so far as I know. The question is would you download it or not. Now, “How would you download it?” or “What do you use to download illegal movies?” Its a question about principle, not about practice. So don’t get your panties in a bunch.
Seems like I’ll have to repeat myself.
The question is: Given the chance, would you see a movie before it is released, without the permission of the filmmakers?
The question is NOT: Do you pirate movies?
The question is NOT: How do you pirate movies?
The question is NOT: Do you like The Matrix and are you looking forward to The Matrix: Revolutions?
pooba, that was the way the ending was supposed to be, i hate it when people hate the movie cause it didnt end the way they wanted it too, ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A TRILOGY!! DIDNT U KNO THAT!?!?!? THEY MADE IT QUITE CLEAR!!!
I’m sure he knew it was supposed to be a trilogy. What I think he’s talking about, and I agree, is that using “To Be Continued…” is… well… rather tacky. I mean, there is episodes of ‘Walker: Texas Ranger’ that use “To Be Continued…”. In the origional Star Wars trilogy then never used it.
And I’ve seen episodes of walker texas ranger where they speak english and fight and shoot guns…does that mean no serious film should do any of those things? %|
If you don’t know what I mean, I’m sure most other do get the point.
You are becoming a pest by going around the obvious, twisting it, then stating the absurd.
Dude, just because it’s a trilogy doesn’t mean it has to have “to be continued” at the end of it. Did the first matrix have it? No. Did Star Wars eposode 1, 2, or 4-6 have it? No. They all had acual ENDINGS not some ending where neo is unconcious next to an agent smith that somehow got lose in the “real” world. They could have just left it be at that at least, not added “to be concluded” crap. We all know it will be %|
Its not really a trilogy. The second and third movies are actually one movie that was filmed all at once. Thats the reason for the “to be concluded.” They had to cut one movie in half. They didn’t make three separate ones. They even asked the academy if it could be nominated as one film.
It’s a trilogy, it was written to be a trilogy. Try researching the topic before commenting. Especially when it comes to something where a simple Google search would prove you otherwise.
Hate to break it to you Desoto, but it was originally written as a trilogy.
I would download it,… but I probably would also want to watch it in the theatre as I did the last 2 matrix movies.
Downloading doesn’t hurt anyone in my opinion,… I go out to the movies for a night of fun,… I watch a movie at home when I’m bored.
I won’t download it because:
a) I have 56kbps modem and I need to stay at least 1 week without navigating in order to download such a big file
b) I like so much the Matrix series, I need to watch the last one first on big screen and THX sound…
sigh Nobody is listening to me…