Wow, new smilies! Kudos to Sago

Congrats to Sago on completing the new smilies!


BA says they are awesome!


Thanks Sago!


ha, didn’t notice that till you put one on my thread, thanx for the comments by the way

oh ya, thanx sago

even me jus noticed now…a moment of silence for all the dead smilies…

and celebration for the new ones!

:spin: So much new things… They look funnier and nicer for sure :yes:

:eek: #gasp# -----> :RocknRoll: <— is alive

:ba: “I pity da fool”

:evilgrin: ok… time to flame some noobs on the forum…

…there my moment of silence is done. lol

:evilgrin:ok… time to flame some noobs on the forum…
have fun!

:ba: :ba: freaking awsome!!:ba: :ba:

i would like to take some credit for this too:rolleyes: , because of constant harrassing blender artist upper managment for getting this done, i basically gave them a big guilt trip saying “how the hell can you ask someone to make the smilies then not use them when they are made”

haha, you see sago made a few of these things months and months ago, and they were never used, but good old wu keep bringing it up and bringing it up.:stuck_out_tongue:

the new smilies are freaking awsome, but where the f is the super wu-man one!! man, how lame, sago said he would proably make one, frickin’ loser!!!:eek:

but anyway, my favorite one made it in!! :spin:

so i guess this means sago’s ego is going to get bigger then it already is, i’m sure every time a new girl comes onto the forums, sago will say, hey you like the smilies yeah i made them, dang that guys game is weak!!:yes:


Lets go hit the GE forums!


haha!! the “cool” one sucks!! haha, it makes me laugh!! :cool:
he looks like a 80 year old man who has just put on his oversized sunglasses before he gets into his 1980 cadaliac to go to the pharmacy to pick up his anti-urinate-in-your-pants pills and some depends, hahah!! :cool:

cool is UN-COOL hahah!!

but this one :spin: makes up for all the uncoolness, and all the other ones rock…except “cool”…oh my god and i just noticed its animated with some lame sunglasses movement, oh these things just make me laugh harder and harder!!

:eek: this one is proably the funniest…basically the look i get from all the girls i date when i take off my shirt and let out the pythons!!



Awesome!!! They are great! i love them :ba::ba::ba:

:spin::spin::spin::spin::spin: <— Makes me think of turkish dervishes…

there should be one with a shovel

like the one im making you lol…:smiley:

haha! These are great!

:ba: fool:ba:

oh, this is never going to get old…

i refuse to believe that sago made this :cool:

i think BgDM said ok sago you can make all the smilies but i have to make the “cool” one because i really know what it means to be “cool”

so 16 hours, and 6 boxes of twinkies later we get this peice of sh:cool: t!!!


:ba: thanks Sago (and of course Wu-man:yes:)

:evilgrin: people :RocknRoll: will :eek: be :spin: using :mad: waaaaay :stuck_out_tongue: too :evilgrin: many, :smiley: at :eyebrowlift2: least :eyebrowlift: for :frowning: a :cool: while :ba: now…:wink:

Oh these are much better. Thanks Sago and thanks to the people for making the decision to use these. These personal touches are what makes a community forum special. The rolleyes one doesn’t seem to show until you go to more. Could it be made a 4x5 grid? We have a whole heap of space on the right because of the non-centered forum. Where’s the Super Wu-Man and Sago smilies? The sticky out tongue one could’ve been a baby Sago and the grinning teeth ones could be Super Wu.

it’s a misfit!
“i’m all green!”
nice TW

YYYAAAAYYYYY!!! is finallyyyy complete!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

We need a Super Wu-Man smiley! And a Blender Smiley!