Oh man, what about this ? I do this about 2.5 hours ( 1 for modeling, 1 for texturing and 0.5 hour lighting.
Based on picture in flickr and background also in flickr. :eyebrowlift2: Can you comment it for me. I render it using ambient occlusion ! the source is only included in my 3D Linux ( coming soon ).:RocknRoll:
That’s the worst composition I’ve seen in a while.
Sorry, that’s a little unfair. You need to fix the Alpha map around the back of the crest feathers, the foreground needs to be sharper (this can possibly be achieved by increasing the complexity of the model - although you ought to have a higher resolution texture; Also try making the image map filter sharper). Additionally, I don’t see any evidence of the wind that’s pushing the falcon’s crest up - try adding some particles just above the sand, and blur the hammock a bit; don’t know what you can do with the palm leaves, but your background is sitting in a dead calm
Okay if this is meant to be a joke I can’t laugh. Looks like you took two images and put em together in MS Paint. If this was really modelled I want to see a wire. Besides that the composition sucks really really hard
Problems as in, I can’t post a screenshot because it wasn’t made in blender…
your other pic is hosted on imageshack, it’s not like imageshack exploded overnight, I’m sure you can host it.
It looks like a collage to me.
so wire please or somebody get this toppic closed.