Wrap the text around a mesh

The mesh can be of any shape/size and I cannot figure out how to place the text in the mesh such that it works for all models. Basically, I want to find a method that works for all kinds of models to write a script that could automate the task.
Image 1: I have added text into the scene.

Screenshot from 2025-02-04 11-27-09
Image 2: The text wraps around the mesh

Image 3: Text in another type of model
So the question is, how to figure out where to place the text label in appropriate place with appropriate size?
The models are uploaded here for reference.
1Z201.glb (486.7 KB)
100488.glb (581.3 KB)

…well this depends on the kind of model, for example the size… so i guess there is no general way.

Even if using (for example) 10% of the model size then the form of the model may make this text look differently sized. Also if there is a big gap in the middle then positioning this there would be wrong.

Your example images already show two different kinds of positioning:

  • at one “end” wrapped around
  • alongside the model

So where should the text be placed on an object like this ??

The text can be placed anywhere. Just my question is that whichever area the script automatically chooses(in my model case, a random mesh starting with “imprint”), how do we align the orientation, size and location of the text with that of the selected area? I am using this video as a reference to stick the text to the area. But before doing that I want to make sure the text is in appropriate orientation, size and location with respect to the imprint area.

That’s what i’m talking about… there is no “automatically” positioning possible and therefore there is no deterministic algorithm implementable… :person_shrugging: