I’m trying to make a stretched fabric sign with wrinkles/taunt folding from the mountings at the corners. I thought of using a texture to bumpmap it, but I could not find any image that was right using Google. Next, I tried using a surface curve and extruding and scaling to get the wrinkles, but it did not turn out too realistic. Any ideas or alternate techniques you could suggest?
Also, when I converted the surface to a mesh and subsurfed it, when I applied the texture, I got vertical blue streaks (from the blue text in the center of the sign) running up the white fabric, even when I tried to map via an Empty object placement. I also tried all the options in the texture window - ‘Repeat’, Clip, Extend, Clip to cube - nothing seemed to fix this. What am I doing wrong?
Well, I would try making a plain and Subdivide Fractal 2-3 times to get a sort of wavy look. Then sub-surf to level 2-3 and you should have a nice smooth looking cloth like appearance.
As for the texture thing, I have no idea. Could you maybe post your .blend file for us to see what is going on?
Do what the guy above says to get yer basic cloth, then try using blender’s Wave effect in the animation tools - set the ripples going diagonally or summat do they meet the corner you want distorted and find a good frame to render. The ripples should give you a good scrunched up effect if you tweak 'em right
In order to get the texture looking just right, there’s only one way to go:
Make the plane using a mesh grid with lots of verts. Then set up UV-coordinates from a top view and match it to your imagemap BEFORE applying any form of deformation to your mesh. When that’s done, start wrinkling… Use any of the suggested techniques. Personally, I like to do this kind of stuff using proportional vertex editing and simply pull verts around until it looks right. A hi-res lattice can be helpful too. When it’s time to render, make sure you’re using UV as coordinate input for your textures. Since the UVs were calculated before any deformation, you will get a texture that bends and wrinkles nicely along with the mesh.