hello everyone, this is my first really serious piece. I am planning on modeling the whole body but for now I am kinda stuck. First off, if there is anthing anyone would like to critique about the model so far I would greatly appreciate it. And second, I would like to create wrinkles on his face. I know how to create bump maps and I feel like that’s the best way to go, my problem is that I can’t get the wrinkles right. It’s too hard to draw the winkles in photoshop, I was wondering if there was something I could do to get the wrinkles just right.
Well, Here are the pics:
Hmm… First I’d smooth out that wrinkle on the top of his head, looks a bit odd, there should be some tutorials that talk about uv mapping somewhere around here. I like this character so far though, good work
From what I have seen the sculpt mode in blender CVS looks promising for wrinkles.
Looks great to me. I especially dig the hair, any techniques for that one? I’m going to have to work on my own hair model soon so help would be appreciated.
thanks for your suggestions jacblack i see what you mean about the forehead wrinkle, I think I will get rid of it. As for the UV mapping, I know pretty much all I can know about that. My question(i guess I should have specified) was is there anywhere that I can find maby pieces of textures of the face(I’m not sure if you understand what I mean). I only have a mouse to draw with, if I had a Wacom or something like that it would be easier, but I don’t.
Woodman5k thanks, I hadn’t thought of sculpt mode, but I don’t think its going to work for what I want. I have a specific look that i see in my head and I going to need a lot of wrinkles. It would require too manny vertices to sculpt the kind of wrinkles I’m after and I woul like to keep the model as simple as possible, because I would like to animate it eventually.
Vylaroth thanks for the compliment, I don’t have any special techniques for anything I do, I pretty much just work the mesh untill it’s pleasing to my eye.
This character reminds me of George Washington . Look for tutorials on face texturing and painting. Also, do what you do with modelling. Just keep moving things around until you have something that is pleasing to the eye.
I don’t think you have any low-poly options in Blender BMP maps are only good for small bumps, if you try to do anything big with them they will look awful. Wrinkles should be done with displacement maps, but Blender’s disp maps need a massive poly count to produce good results.
There’s no way around painting the wrinkles. You may be able to use a photo for a base but it won’t get you more than a beginning. Wacoms are cheap these days, check eBay for used prices. I’ve got a 7 year old Graphire I that still works great. Was $100 new in 2000, can’t be worth more than $20 now but it will do what you want just fine.
Without a normal or a bump map, those wrinkles won’t look too good. I suggest you first create a really high poly subdivided model, sculpt it, port both the low poly base mesh and the highpoly detail mesh into a program like xNormal or Nvidia Melody and then make a normal map. Should work for animations.
I like this face. it has character.
As for wrinkles, look in the mirror and smile big and frown big and scrunch your face into extreme expressions. where the folds form on your face will be where your major wrinkles will be
dont want to paint the wrinkles in photoshop? how about you get some black ink/paint and a white sheet of paper. then get a real human face, yours or a volunteers, and paint the part of the face with the wrinkles you want using the black ink. then place the sheet of paper over the painted part of the face and press gently and evenly. when you peel it off you get paint from where the skin touched. scan it into your pc and invert the colors and you have a bumpmap sample ready to be cloned over other samples!
What I like in this tuto is that it shows you don’t need to have a huge poly count
to achieve desired result (wrinkly guy)
I believe the guy uses photo of his wrinkles, so feel free to do the same thing. Should spare you the pain of drawing with a mouse.
I think low frequency wrinkle (the largest) have to be modeled, but the higher frequence wrinkle (smallest) can be faked with bump from photos. Associate low and high frequency gives a balanced result (well… it works for water… never tried to model wrinkly characters…)