Writing a texture plugin to produce water effects

How are these used? Sorry, new to the whole .dll in Blender thing. :wink:

To use a texture plugin (.DLL for win, .So for linux and ? for Mac) :

  • create a texture (F6Key)
  • in texture type, choose plugin
  • on the new panel Plugin, click Load Plugin and choose in the fileselector the plugin you want
  • and play with the plugin

For the DLL I compile don’t use the noise button because Blender crashes.


Despite kind offers of web-space from forum members, I have squeezed a few K out of a friend of mine in Johannesburg.

I will keep that URL up-to-date with all the latest changes and all that jazz.

If anyone has DLL’s that work, you can email them to me and I will bung them on the site too.

Thanks all.

Ok, new release, for windows http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/zip/water0.21a.zip

Lguillaume, thanks for the help!

Testing image post:
Done with the plugin - I have all the modelling skills of a gerbil!

VERY cool, thank you guys VERY much. :wink:

www.hdl.co.za/donn has been updated with version 0.22

Here’s a sample of the effect noise has on the water:


The 0.22 plugins for windows is at http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/index.php3?zoo=dld&rep=zip
or for a direct link http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/zip/water0.22.zip

The windows release is now on http://www.hdl.co.za/donn/

Question: Can this be used to make animated caustics? (Sorry, new to the concept) :wink:

To tell you the truth, I have not used 3D for more than a couple of ‘spinning logo’ type jobs. I have no idea what caustics are!
One of those jobs was in Blender - so I have been using Blender for about 1 month! I am a serious newbie :slight_smile:

Have you managed to use the plugin? I am sure you can then answer your own question.

If you have any trouble, just post and I will see what I can do.

Version 0.23 has been posted on


  1. Minor bug fixes
  2. Added an Alpha button.
  3. Return colour information, so the texture works as a light-texture etc.

No Windows version yet.

Has anyone done any work using the plugin yet? It would be great to see some renders.


Hello everybody, the windows version is on http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/zip/water0.23.zip
Thanks to Jms for host the plugin.

I posted too soon - there is now a Windows dll for version 0.23 on my site.

There is also a short guide to compiling the texture.

Both – thanks again to guillaume.


I haven’t used it in any major projects, but I have played with it quite a bit. :slight_smile: It’s a great plugin!!! I can’t believe you’ve only been using Blender a month. :stuck_out_tongue:

By caustics, I’m referring to the reflections you get from light passing through water (among other things) Like when you’re underwater in a pool, the lights reflections are always moving, I was wondering if this can make animated caustics. :wink: Since I don’t know enough about caustics yet (not that far in my studies) I haven’t had a chance to play around with that part of it yet. I was just curious is anyone else has. :wink:

Glad you like the plugin !

The new version 0.23 has been tweaked - if you set alpha on then you can assign the plugin to a light and maybe that will help you to fake ‘caustics’ (thanks for the explanation)


Check out this site :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey - you dropping hints? :wink:

I like those caustic lines - I will fetch the source of that windows app and maybe (m a y b e ) there will be some way I can plugerize it.



That would be awesome! :smiley:

Well - I have been busy, but managed to squeeze some time to finish another version.

This one (0.24) has some nice stuff like start and stop frames (thanks L.Guillaume) and also better ‘Drip’ control.
It also has a ‘speed’ control.
I cleaned the gui up.

It’s on www.hdl.co.za/donn as usual.

I expect Guillaume will have a DLL ready chop-chop, just wait a while. There are also instructions to make your own DLL on the site.

Hope it works…


Hello, I have the dll and Biggles don’t put the new release for 0.24 so for linux: http://www.hdl.co.za/donn/water0.24.Linux.so and for windows http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/zip/water0.24.zip

Always thanks to JMS to host the windows dll before Biggles put on his site.