Is it okay to post Blender related game development questions here which aren’t related to the Blender Game Engine?
do you mean, say models, made in blender, but for another game engine?
If that’s the case, I personally wouldn’t do it (actually, I might, but I’m sticking to the BGE for the moment), but I wouldn’t penalize anybody else for doing so.
i would, most of the people that do that kind of work spend most of there time here.
i would, most of the people that do that kind of work spend most of there time here.
I can help with Game design, modeling, and mapping questions for:
Quake 1,2,3,4 and a few Quake spinoffs like RTCW, and Soldier of fortune 2
halflife 1, and Hammer for halflife2 (spacificaly Counterstrike:source and DOD source.)
Battlefield 1942
3D game studio A6
Reality factory
genisiss 3d
Jet 3d
Doom 3 (almost the same as quake 4)
Scrolling game development kit (2d tile pwnage!)
Just no programming questions please I only know Logic blocks in blender for game programming.
I’ve posted my question as a new thread. Thanks for directing me