www.malefico3d.com.ar !!!!

Finally I got my own domain name so you can update your bookmarks boys and girls !.

No real new stuff…


Seeya !

Good to hear from you Malefico!!!

I haven’t read any posts from you lately, so I was beginning to wonder where have you been!!!

Although we haven’t chat a lot here on elysiun, I quite admire your work!!! I found your Linux video editing tutorial pretty useful to me!!!

Anyway, I hope you’re doing fine…


cool 8) 8)

si malefico,no te pierdas.danos una visita de vez en cuando! :smiley:

Thanks Malefico, I’ve updated my favorites, good to keep track of where to reach you.

Thanx guys, you’re all very kind. My computer is down and probably will remain down for a while (no $, no fix). I hope I can blender again soon :wink:



I’ve already linked your site… will have to update links :slight_smile:

I hope you’ll be able to get back Blending soon!
