X-Interactive Designers

Hello all,
I am the Vice President of X-interactive Designers. We are now hiring programmers that are very proficient in both Blender and C++. Our team of programmers will be creating games and selling them to the public. As you will get paid for your work, I would like to see an example of your works. Do not post ANY requests for a job in this forum, please e-mail me your job requests to [email protected] or instant messange me at [email protected] (MSN Messenger) or IntrepidCoo (AIM). Thank you!

uhh, no offense, but I am wary

my questions:

  • where are you located?
  • what exactly are you thinking about?
  • why blender?
  • you have a website?

OI HE’s nicking all the C++ programmers we need to enhance blender.


No only joking (ish)

Um i suppose you use blender is great, but if you churn out all these gmaes witout crediting blender, then i know that i will get very grumpy.

I wish I was good enough to do stuff like this, but I dont think I have the drive or the skill (or time; im still in school).



This is the contact site for X-interactive. You did say that your company was named “X-interactive Designers”. Does the original company know that you are using this name ???
…btw. Are you using your work e-mail to conduct personal
(profitable) business on company time and money. Many companies frown on this (just to let you know).
…btw again. If your company does not have a website or credentials , why should I send you examples of mine ? If you are legitimate, then you understand that I am not trying to attack you… I just want to know :smiley:

Interesting that it’s X-Interactive Designers in the message text, and X-Interactive Developers in the profile EDIT I mean sig!..

Here’s a little note for a software company I worked for…

The owner seem very professional, and had detailed design docs of the new business. Each person that waas skilled in an area was picked (i was lead concept artist and 3d monster modeler) and paid 50 bucks for startup costs. I was then forced away from blender and pushed into 3D Game Studio. Then we ran out of money (have no idea why! we didn’t have any costs lol) and I got pissed and left because I would earn royalties but it worthless when you can’t produce anything. Then 6 months after I left the “company” dissappeared my art was lost in there as well.

Owner: “Our programmers won’t be purchasing a game engine but rather develop one”
Me: “Um… wont that take a long time?”
Owner: “No not at all 3 months and we should have a working demo!”

3 months later…

Me: “Hey I am just sitting here what do you want me to do?”
Owner: “Make content for web, like a logo and do concept sketches”
Me: “OF WHAT!?”, “Where is the story!? becuase what you have is a sentence” a MMORPG thats medievil doesn’t help.

All in all I notice this…
-Pick on blender users becuase they already have software thats free
-Want artist’s that are programmers, becuase it reduces scalabilty (thats bad! to much work for one person bah!)

Hi all!
We are not auctually located in a building right now. We are totally based on web business. We have a group of about 8 programmers now, growing daily (about 3 people daily). Matt, the CEO, is buying Microsoft Server 2k3, and it will be up shortly. We are also in the process of building a temporary webpage (will be up in 3 days tops), buying a domain name, and buying a copyright. Our developers will be using Microsoft Visual C++ or any other C++ compiler, which can be bought through Matt for 11 bucks; Also, we will use 3ds Max 6, which I am working on getting a liscense to redistribute (to lower costs for everyone). Our first few games will be freeware to attract customers to our website, then we will come out with games and expansion packs for these games made by our experienced programmers. I encourage you all to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Thanks!

MSVC for 11 $ right…


hmm…this sounds like piracy… :-?

Hey All!
Lol…quite funny you should mention that. Matt’s sisters’s boyfriend takes classes (majoring in programming) at a college, and they offer discount prices on Visual C++. It is totally legal, I promise you. Second of all, if a company used pirated programs, they would get sued so badly they wouldn’t know what hit them… That is why the programs we use will be strictly legal. Secondly, in most cases you can “buy” a redistribution liscense or “buy” the copyright of a program in order to distribute it to your employees for a lower cost. In order to find out if that is available with 3ds max 6 & to find out how to do it (if applicable), I have e-mailed them today {still wating for a reply}. If anyone has any more questions, I will check up on this forum about twice a day :smiley: Thanks!

You might want to be careful. I work at a college and you are treading on thin ice with the MS licensing. The MS Campus Liscense Agreement pricing is for CURRENT Faculty/Staff/Students of the institution, not so that a student can ge cheap software for his friends and family. You may want to read the CLA of the college that “Matt’s Sister’s Boyfriend” goes to and make sure that even though it seems like you are getting legal software, you are probably outside the stipulations of the School’s CLA and therefore pirating software. Also the CLA’s usually stipulate for educational use only ( i.e. learning to program ), not for commercial use ( programming games that you will eventually sell)

I just think you should cover your…bases.

hm, last I heared was that reselling discreet software yourself won’t work. the lisence doesn’t go over to the next company/person. if a company that has max goes down in flames, the licenses are void too.

something that was in 3dworld magazine of this month I think…

… I’m quite sure that the ‘X-Interactive Designers Inhouse Legal Department’ (also growing daily) already took care of this :wink:

Hi all!
Thanks for all your great input (some of it being hilarious). We have worked out the issues of the programs…it is true that College software can only be used for non-profit organizations/educational purposes. Scratch that idea. We will be forced to buy programs for the regular price, including 3ds max (we are going to use blender to start out). In case anyone was wondering, our copyright is pending (all $30 of it) and our domain name that we just bought is www.xidsoft.com (X-Interactive Developers SOFT {for software}). Thanks for all your great input!

Thanks! :D

first of all, why did you pay for a copyright? it’s usually completely free if i know anything about the subject.

second, the domain xidsoft.com does not exist… :-?

third, do have any idea what you are doing? first you brag about a company whose name you stole from a different company, you plan on using software for commercial purposes without proper knowledge of the license terms that apply… %|

I’m curious: may I ask what you are copyrighting? Do you already have something created?

I only ask since you can’t copyright a name (see here), at least in the US.

If you’re already some way on with a project, then you’d probably get quite a lot of interest from people here, especially if you could show some pics etc.

Hi all!
Yes, in fact, we are already on our way with our first game (which will be freeware). This is one reason we are working to secure a copyright on it. Secondly, if you follow the guidelines for starting a business on the IRS.gov website ( http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=99336,00.html - This quote can be found by clicking the first link~“BEFORE YOU BEGIN”), you must register your name:

<<Businesses that use a name other than the owner’s must register the fictitious name with the county as required by the Trade Name Registration Act.>>

Lastly, www.xidsoft.com was just activated last night around 10 EST. That is why some of you thought it was not taken. You will still see a “page not found” error when you type in the domain because we still have yet to put any material under that domain. Thanks for your respones!

oh ok: it’s not really a copyright, just registering the business name, right?

That makes sense…

My thought was that if you are far enough along for real copyright, you probably have something to entice us with!

Somebody mentioned something about buying win2k3server and setting up a server…

  1. why don’t you get some pics up on a free server, even geoshities if you can’t find another. That would get some people interested and show us what you’re really made of.

Right now, you do sound a bit cheesy…



It’s not like “your name” isn’t already copyrighted… %|
Even if one could copyright names…