X-Muscle System for Blender 4.X

How does this addon differ from the existing muscle system addon on Blender Market? I haven’t used it so I can’t compare.

Hello. Most important features that differs Blender Muscle Tools from X-Muscle System are:

  • X-Mirror option with auto-rename, reweight, reparenting system
  • auto-weight with scope selection
  • auto-parenting
  • flexor and extensor mechanisms
  • multi-object settings
  • X-Muscle System is designed as full and complete muscle system, not just single muscle creator
  • microControllers for skin deformation
  • renaming with auto-numeration
  • dedicated Display tools
  • full technical support
  • active development
  • many more

Tech demo will be introduce tomorrow afternoon.


Looking forward to it :slight_smile:


Subscribe YouTube for news and tutorials.


nice. when are we going to see this released? i’m really interested.

[deleted] My bad, this question was already asked (helps to go to page 2 before writing) :slight_smile:

The animation is really impressive, but I think it would be even better if you displayed two animations in one frame, side by side.

Hi the effect is really nice regarding softbody, good work on that - the jiggle is very believable, and really adds a lot to the animation.
However it’s coming back to what I said in the beginning and that is demo-ing on real anatomically based structure.
The shleg figure is anatomically very wrong, especially the shoulders are far from anything resembling human-like muscle structure.
and those are the part where you really want to use muscles, since rigging a shoulder otherwise of course needs bone driven shape keys.
let’s compare to this -

which is still far away from this (and nobody could expect such results in blender currently):

I don’t say your system wouldn’t work on such anatomies, quite the opposite - it seems to really work nicely on the breast and belly in your animation, so congrats to making it to this point.

Here are some slow motion videos about how muscles behave in a running man (in case this is useful for you)

pildanovak, isn’t all about imagination and creativity and freedom in design? (by the way most of these animations you show are also not 100% anatomically correct if we take look at it this way).

Guys it’s all the matter of rigging. Systems on provided videos work in very similar way to X-Muscle System. All these effects or most of them are achievable within and can be done pretty easily I guess. X-Muscle System provides Volume preservation and self collision is experimental but will burn your CPU. System has its limitations and will never 100% mimic the real life examples. But keep in mind it is designed to create visual FX and it’s not a medical tool. And its place can be found in a pipeline where other effects are added like displacement stress maps, what I believe has been made in all that videos to make the work look more complete.

Just please read the post above the video. It’s all explained and I don’t want to duplicate answers.

Subscribe to YouTube Channel and wait for more news and examples. I will create and add more and more until I convince all of you.

Best Regards,

It’s already there! Get it for X-mas!

By the way tissue jiggling can be additionally driven by the muscle’s stiffness, which also may by driven by bone angles or whatever all can be set manually. The muscle Volume by defaults works that way but can be driven manually for extra control. Guys, result quality is always achieved by amount of work. I don’t really believe any of these videos you paste was done by clicking two times. Most of things are always about fine tuning.

It’s easy to modify technique used within the system by for example adding third attachment point making the muscles hooked to the skeleton, what can be useful in case of long muscles laying in places like neck, tail, back etc.

Will make an update tomorrow or after the weekend and always available to answer your questions.

Best Regards,


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No, it isn’t about freedom - it’s about knowledge of anatomy. Anybody in the industry with experience in real movie production would tell you that. Human brain works this way. Even on an extraterrestrial creature ( like in avatar) the muscles should work by the laws of physics, also when they have different arrangement. You are right the examples I posted are not 100% anatomically correct, because I didn’t want to compare to a system like weta tissue, just because I don’t have such high expectations on such a system in blender.

Please let’s not have a misunderstanding. Your system seems really capable of achieving something new in blender, and I didn’t want to bring it down in any way, quite the opposite. I think you did a great job. I just pointed to some imperfections in the animation, and I hope you take it rather as a direction in which the further development can go.

Before further updates, consider this, because still I am not sure what are you so sceptic about guys. Just explain what is wrong with this picture? Regardless the fact it’s not anatomically 100 percent correct because I am not a medicine doctor.

There’s nothing really wrong in this screencast. The two muscles (biceps, triceps? ) here work ok. The problematic part is the shoulder shape and motion. shoulder doesn’t move in this video, and also doesn’t look so problematic since it’s in default pose.

You are more and more demanding. That’s good. It’s all about the features demo, I am telling you there’s generally nothing that can stop you of doing almost everything. It’s all about rigging and setup. But it all requires skills and System is just a tool. It creates the possibility to make great things but as said as everything requires practice. I can bet there’s a dedicated job like muscle rigger, where guy knows the best tools he uses, advantages and limitations and gets the best of it. I am an amateur on this position but I am here to provide technical solutions.

I am very confident You can get really great results if you spend some time

Best Regards,


Purchased, i am first :smiley: tomorrow i will test it :slight_smile:

vink, thank you! I can’t wait for the feedback.

Before the end of the year I plan as part of a first big update to add x-mirror support for microControllers, multi-rename and symmetrize option. That would make system core functionality pretty much complete.

Best Regards,


I will try to prepare good demonstration for you. I will make the character and present how its shoulder works as you wish, physically correct with X-Muscle System. But to do that I must build fullbody skeletal which X-Muscle System also supports. This will allow to make pretty impressive results you really expect around the shoulder region.

I will also refund the product to the first person, who will make and present most physically and anatomically correct (can be simplified but visually correct) human body made with X-Muscle System. I provide any technical support needed.


really looking forward to it. I think providing set of humanoid muscles to any of the standard blender rigs would be amazing.

pildanovak, believe me, I had a really lot of time to think before the add-on has been even started… even to think is there a sense to start it, and I found many reasons to do it. Next was the research and proof of concept, finally a design and implementation. It’s all done with premeditation and many development paths have been considered. However product isn’t mature yet, it’s still young and can be developed in many directions but it is already powerful enough to be a great tool in artist’s hands. The core application is ready what means all functionality works and can be used as a base for something more - like another extensions for autorigging.
The main purpose of X-Muscle System is to give all the mechanisms and tools that will allow an artist to create any muscular system he wants, so fast, that it would be much faster create one than adjusting any existing standard muscular system template. And the freedom of choice is given because more automation always means less freedom. With X-Muscle you can do not only simulations but also incredible abstract effects like body inflation or melting. The X-Muscle System is designed to work with many different rigs and its able to use its core features within these armatures. XMS is something more than just a muscle system. Unfortunately X-Muscle System name is not 100% accurate… I wanted to find something more abstract because I don’t want to suggest artist what to do with the add-on but at the end I finished with this one. Overall it all should be matter of creativity and imagination.

At last but not least, to make it work automatically with rigify like a character creator, for example it would have to have a on-top module, like extra add-on, it is still extra task for me, especially that standard rigs aren’t anatomically perfect and as you can find them pretty hard to adapt for anatomically correct muscular system set but with kind of exceptions and compromises for visual results only I think it still may be useful. The simpliest solution at the moment is to create muscle rigs templates and shared with blend files. But I guess it will be used more for educational and learning purposes than for adapting into projects. X-Muscle System focuses on workflow and not “ready-solutions” so thanks to that it’s easy to create musculatures for things like creatures like dinosaurs or 4 leg, 8 leg monsters, no matter the shape, size or template.

Best Regards,