X-Racer 2 - New pic on page 2

hey guys!

I was rendering today and my render didn’t come out as I wanted. There wasn’t enough blur on the f1 but I don’t have time to rerender the full scene at full quality (16 sample of mblur). So I rerendered only the f1 blurred and composited it on the top of my old pic…here’s what came out


but I don’t know if I can use pre-rendered image in the sequencer for the challenge…is it against the rule?

if it is…I gotta use this pic


or I have to hope my lower-quality render (8samples) will finish rendering before the deadline…4h30 to go…gonna be close…

Anyway I want your thought about the composited image. Is it too bright???

thanks everyone for your support in the wip forum and on irc :slight_smile:

coooool :smiley:

Oh my… that is simply incredible.

Great job, and good luck in the contest. This is really one of the best, if not the best I’ve seen. I wasn’t totally impressed with your WIP, but I haven’t seen that scene! Holy crap.

There seems to be a little distortion on the racer, almost like jpeg compression or something (though that could be this screwed up monitor :P).

Amazing work!





Hope you like :slight_smile:

GREAT work X-WARRIOR! :slight_smile:


Very great work, although the racer itself looks a little unstable, lol. This is awesome.

w00t, the environment completely rox

Very cool render. Imho a bit to much bluring. And the camera angle could be better. But very cool model and textures! Many luck in the competition!

Very very good, but i agree, maybe a lil too much blur. How many faces and verts have you got in that scene, because the background looks very very detailed.

Well, I don’t think it’s too much blur at all. I think it is perfect. Gives a sense of action.

The rest is just pure X-Warrior modelling genius. Awesome stuff man.


The only thing I like better on the first image is that the background is sharper, but my brain keeps telling me that it shouldn’t be :slight_smile:

Does it have a driver? :slight_smile:

Great image anyhow, love it.

Well since it’s FINAL, there won’t be any crits. Damn you, X, I’ll beat you next year :smiley: btw look closely and see… nothing! no driver, so that’s why it’s powersliding (yes, a vehicle can powerslide in midair.)

Very very very nice X :smiley:

but one thing i just noticed that i never noticed before out of the million times i looked at the renders…

who’s driving? :expressionless:

He bailed out you fools, who wants to stay in a careening F1? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, nice job, like the motion blur. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all, tx for all those kind comments :slight_smile:

really appreciate them!

now lets talk about the driver LOL…actually I did model a small robot which IS/WAS in my scene…it seems…I rendered it during the day ( a loooong 8hours render)…when I came back to chek it…the pic wasn’t enough blur…5hours before the deadline I added a bit of mblur…rerendered with smaller sample…and just didn’t see my layer with the driver was off…LOL…and it took like 4hours to render…just in time to give my entry…so anyway…no driver this time around lol and I’m too lazy to rerender and wait 4h30…

but here’s a newer version…it’s been modified (heavely) in photoshop from the original (8hours rendering) pic which was almost not blurred.


Hope you like :slight_smile:

hey X, be a sweetie, and pull the camera back a significant amount, and move it up, and render it agian without blur. id love to see all that is in this scene.

Never call him a “sweetie”; lest you be spanked.

Nice image, a tad bit bright, but very good none-the-less.

I can wait to pw||z3r you in the f1 challenge though :stuck_out_tongue:

Subliminal message: Vote for Dittohead, he’s soooooooooo cute

I agree with Skeletor, I think all the blur dosn’t look so good, I like the background blurry and a little on the racer but not as much as u have now. :stuck_out_tongue: But good job anyway.