X Sword


well I decided to call it finish :D…

really nice.

However, I think the sword in X is less overhall pointy. More like a straight sword for the most part with a pointy end.


really? Im pretty sure that the sword is pointy you must be talking about some other X, my bad for calling it X sword I should of call it kamuis sword.

PS: you know kamuis sword came out of a womens body by exploding :-? , how ironic is that.

I’m talking about the same X as you, and the picture you posted just confirms my point. Look carefully, and you’ll see that both side of the swords run paralel to one another, contrary to yours which are angled from the start.

This is really nitpicking, since the rest of your scene is really nice.


oh right I guess I wasnt paying much atention on the blade of the sword…I’ve watch all the episode and the movie but I’ve never notice it… thanks for the comments anyway.

Good work. Like the DOF.

loved the grass the sword however needs some reflections and better modeling.
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

wow, that second pic totally rulez man1!!! the one with those two dudes1!!111

man but the first one thats just some shit. the sord is like totally messed up and the grass is like fucked up dude.

you son of a noob…hehehhe normaly I would go berserk but since I saw your ignorance post uhhmm well I thought what the heck your just some dewd who lost his mind or something, not unless you prove us wrong.

Nice sword. I agree that it could use some slight reflections, but not very much.

Good work.


You stupid ignorant piece of shit! You know I couldn’t have come up with a less useful reply if I tried! Besides which I’d like to see you do any better! I seriously hope you’re stoned because it’s possibly the only excuse for being such a sanctimonius git! And you spelled sword wrong.

Rolando: Exelent work, exept the sword look’s a bit like it seperate from the background, instead of being in it’s surroundings if you know what I mean. Still, love the sword.

P.S. Hope this doesn’t turn into a flame war coz of me.

Great sword and scene! I think that the sword doesn’t fit into the surroundings for a few reasons:

1)The sword looks small. Or the grass is large. But if grass is that tall, it’s usually a golden color, not green. Try making the grass shorter and more dense.

2)The lighting doesn’t match the sky. It’s too bright and could possibly use a little bit of a blue hue. It would be cool to try HDRI with this.

Reflections on the blade and golden parts of the hilt would take it a long way. Try upping the specular value and turn up the hardness. These will make it look more like metal.

Excellent modeling and use of focal blur. These make it look more photoreal. The transition from the ground to the sky is smooth. Nice technique.

Nice work Rolando. I think one other possible cause of the sword looking seperate is that the background is blurred wheras the sword isn’t. This would make it stand out more. Would it be possible to make some long grass appear in front of and around the sword? I think this would make it look more part of the scene. Good work so far. Looks great! :smiley:

Shut up you moron. Learn how to write before you babble.

Rolando don’t pay attention to this cretin, he’s the sewage that washes up
on the beach after a boatload of turds sinks.

I think it’s safe to say that a majority of us like your work.

background r0x :smiley: