XII High school - School Visualisation

This is a project I’ve been working on for the last few weeks. A visualisation of my school.
Two versions to download (exe):
Dry3.3MB (without the cool menu ;))

Some screens:

C&C very, very welcome, because this is my first architectural visualisation.

Any screenshots? :smiley:

Oh, sorry, I completely forgot. Updated :slight_smile:

Very nice work :smiley: Chuck Norris at the top, too!

Very nice work indeed.

Btw, its 1st of April now, your not a loser anymore

This rocks. Are the textures on the ground UV mapped? How did you put them on things?

Realy nice… Who’s that sheriff guy on the topfloor?
I realy liked this walktrough! BUT, the door textures was a bit strange!

really good.

you have to be a tall men. because when i go threw doors i am not nearly touching the top.

but it is really cool. i like it

I like it. Maybe use Radiosity for more better light (and shadows)

Thanks for comments :slight_smile:

Sorth: Updated in the first post :slight_smile:

halsir: It’s a polish double of CN

JCTiger: Oh, good you remind me %|

henrymop: All objects are UV mapped

[Kothe]: That was a lesson for me - Don’t make textures in MSPaint :expressionless:

C0Rkn0T: When I was finishing this project something bad happened with proportions so I didn’t know what to do :smiley:

AniCator: Radiosity was used, but it have trouble with large scenes… I have to play with it in the next project.

Very cool!

I find a glitch though. When on the third floor (I think), point your mouse at the ceiling or the floor and you can go forward right through them. I was able to float back down to the bottom through the floors and then outside the walls. Just blackness, but still kind of fun :smiley:

Here’s a screenshot so you can see what I mean:


That just rocked. I dunno how you could place all that stuff inside and there where almost unlimited floors. Add an elevator man! :smiley:

stedfast: I think that was a single accident or you just turn on the fly mode. Blender GE isn’t perfect so sometimes we can walk trough the walls :slight_smile: However I glad you like it.

Cobra Banshee: I wish there was an elevator but I can do nothing… Sometimes when you have the first lesson on the first floor and second lesson on the fourth, you loose all the break to get there :stuck_out_tongue: Believe me, in our country we have the worst education system in the world. %|

I imagine it was probably just me. I haven’t played with the game engine yet, but now I’m inspired to try…