Hello everyone,
On my laptop (I have admin rights), When I right click on the desktop…properties, there is no “Web” tap in Display Properties. I did a quick search on google, and found a couple of different articles on how to get it back. So far, I have tried:
Using regedit:
setting the values for NoActiveDesktop and NoActiveDesktopChanges to 0
Deleting the entries
Using gpedit.msc
Turn on Classic Shell - Not Configured
Enable Active Desktop - Enabled
Disable Active Desktop - Enabled
And several combinations of all of the above
All to no avail, I still do not have a “Web” tab in Display Properties.
Does anyone know the exact combinations of these settings that will allow me to see the Web tab?
And, is there a Microsoft to English translation of gpedit.msc? Is it just me, or does MS specialize in the use and overuse of double negatives?
Thanks in advance for your help!