Xton- The video game

I got a great idea for a good video called XTON. :rolleyes: But I need a couple of helpers such as:
Programmers and modelers.

I am hoping to make profit from the game any one who helps make it will get some of it.

Please I need professionals, anyone who helps please post a comment or pm me personally and show me some of your work as well.

XTON info:
It’s a action video game. The world is falling apart to sides one being the good(XTON) other being bad(Pranso).

There basically trying to destroy the every last Xton out there. It will be huge more information will be released to people who will be helping me.

I started using blender a while back thou don’t judge me I have pretty good ideas I just need someone to help me and I have blender know how. :slight_smile:

Here is my youtube page filled with hacks I did and a couple of games I did a while back:


show some of your work before you want people to help you. I learned this the hard way a year or two back…

Soo anybody wanna help?