YA array modifier question

today I started to learn how to use the array modifier. But I got problems using an Empty as ‘Object Offset’.
I have a simple cube and added an Array modifer to it.
I set the Count to 3. Than I added an Empty. And entered the name of the Empty in the field Ob: under the ‘Object Offset’ button of the Array modifier.
If I activate the ‘Object Offset’ button now, the 2nd and 3rd cube are huge, but what I wanted to do is just have three cubes only rotated but NOT scaled.
So why the Empty (not scaled) causes a huge 2nd and 3rd cube? How to keep the same size as the 1st (original) cube?

Thanks for any help!

place the empty at the same origin point as your original cube.

Hello treatkor,
thanks for reply, but this is exactly what I did. I selected my cube, the used Shift S to sanp cursor to selection.
Then I added an Empty, so it is placed at the same point already. But the 2nd and 3rd cubes are still huge.

I found out how to solve:

select the empty, shift select the cube and use CTRLC and coyp size.
Then the size is what I expected.

But I do not know if this is the right way, may someone has a better idea?

glad you figured it out. that makes sense, if there is a difference in scale between the empty and the object being modified, it be expressed in the array. you could also select your cube and press alt-s to clear scale. but then you would loose the scaling on your cube, so i think copying the size to the empty is a better solution.
if you want to scale the cube without affecting the array, scale it in edit mode not object mode.

You can also use Ctrl-A, Apply scale and rotation on the cube.