ok the yable script is a python script that will export your Blender stuff to Yafray.
it should be a .py file and can be downloaded from the yafray website.
you need it to export your work from blender into yafray!!!
hope that answers your question (p.s. you don’t need to install it becasue its not somthing you install)
if you don’t alreay have it, i think you will need to download python, and install that onto your computer, there are instructions at the top of the Q&A forum.
H@dj is talking about This YafRay GUI “R” is the GUI shortcut for call YafRay and render the file. If the GUI doesn’t work for you, you can execute yafray manually. For example, if your Yable output is “test.xml”, you’re in windows with YafRay installed in “d:\yafray” and your yable’s output folder is “e:\output” type in a DOS command window:
Are you using Yable for rendering? Is a yable or yafray error message?
If you have problems I recommend to you to use yafray in a DOS window. It’s easy. If all fails a “weird” option is copy xml and textures into yafray folder, open a command window, go into yafray folder and type: yafray youryableoutput.xml
If you don’t like DOS commands, you can try Bagisas or T. Baba GUI, but I think that this is to make an aditional effort for doing the same thing (if you only want to render a xml file with yafray).
And… sorry for my english. I try to explain the things in the best way that I can, but I’m not sure if the rest of people understand me :-? . If you don’t understand me through my english, please tell me and I’ll try to change the words…
The ‘r’ button doesn’t work for me either, but if you click the camera in the list at the left, then the “Rendering” button at the bottom of the screen, that works for me.
Yes, MSDOS doesn’t works in that way. You have to go into yafray dir (c:\yafray) using “cd” command, like this
cd \yafray
Now you are in yafray folder, and DOS prompt is something like this: “c:\yafray>”
Now you can type here:
yafray c:\yable\yaftest.xml
And it should work.
Other options. If you’re in Windows 9x/Me (I’m not sure if this works with NT/2000/XP) if you type in a DOS command:
set PATH=c:\yafray;%PATH%
Now you can execute yafray from all folders only typing yafray <file.xml>. For example: c:
(now I’m in c: drive) cd \yable
(now I’m in c:\yable, I’m going to call yafray…) yafray yaftest.xml
Warning! setting PATH variable is an operation that you have to do ALL the times that you open a new ms-dos command window. If you like this solution you must modify PATH variable permanently. How? Like this:
If you are in Windows 95/98/Me:
Append these lines to the end of your c:\autoexec.bat using notepad, and then reboot your computer:
set PATH=c:\yafray;%PATH%
If you are in Windows NT/XP/2000
Open Control Panel
Click the System icon and the window pops up
Go to the Advanced pane
Click the Environment Variables button
There are two seperated windows showing two sets of environment variables. Select the “Edit” button for the upper window to edit the “PATH” variable.
You should add c:\yafray to the beginning of your “PATH” variable.
Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complicated for WinME (trust me, I’ve got it, and i wish i hadn’t).
WinME takes over the boot and re-writes the AutoExec.bat file.
You have to run MSConfig.exe and go to the environment tab, then follow the same steps as for NT/2K/XP
sorry, i have`nt been around to help you with this problem,
and hope that you have had some luck with yafray.
to try and clear some of this up:
I did`nt add the steps in my beginners tut to render from yable,
you have to close blender, and then use the gui to browse to
the generated xml file (C:/yable/fiirst test.xml)
when you open theGUIfor the first time it will ask you for the path to yafray,
then just go to file>open>C:>yable>first test.xml
once the gui has your path to your xml file, then set the
path to where you want to save your picture when Yafray is done.
then hit either “R” or the big render button in the bottom of
the gui window.
hey thanks for the support guys, i tried you method Luis, still got the same message. ill keep fiddling when i can though, im a little pressed for time, which is why i havent been on here for a couple of days