YafaRay 0.1.0

Hey, whaddaya know, I downloaded & installed YafaRay 0.1.0 into the default directory, and Blender doesn’t seem to notice it. Anyone have a clue as to why this might be? Any replies would be appreciated fo’ sho’!

Oh yeah, I also might add (since there’s no introductions spot unless I’m crazy and just can’t find it) that this is my first post.

First thing to do is read the installation instruction. have you followed them to the letter, have you the correct python installed etc etc?
The second is to search this forum for yafaray. You will find a ton of recent threads with people asking the very same question. The answer is there if you look.


I have Python installed, and trust me I’ve looked for the answer tons. I don’t recall any specific YafaRay installation instructions other than the ones in the installer. I installed YafaRay into the default directory. All I’m asking for is for someone to tell me what I’m doing wrong/not doing. Please don’t just ask me to look around for the answer.

That being said, thank you for replying anyways. In the meantime I will be looking around the forum.

tried here:

If you are using Blender 2.49a with python 2.6 ,use Yafaray 0.1.1 RC3


Okay, I’m working with Blender 2.49a, Python 2.6.2, and YafaRay 0.1.1 RC3. I’ve looked at the linked posts. Now there’s a YafaRay export option in the Render menu, but still no menu under the render button. If I try to export anything to YafaRay and render it, Blender crashes.

what does it say in this box:?

Well, see for yourself!


ahh, i see.
you must get python 2.5.2:

Notes for Win32:

  • YafaRay needs Python 2.5.4 installed. It will only work with Blender versions compiled with Python 2.5.
  • For Blender 2.49a (Python 2.6) use the YafaRay 0.1.1 Release Candidate 3. You can download it from here.

you see. it doesn’t work with the new version.

There should not be a menu under the render button. This was for Yafray prior to blender 2.49. Yafray is now obsolete so was removed, replaced with Yafaray accessed from the render menu.


I use blender on a Mac as standard but just installed it on Win XP to test.

Blender 2.49a python 2.6.2
Installed Yafaray 0.1.1 RC3 for python 2.6
The render settings showed under the top Render menu.
Press Render and it works fine

ionee - Python 2.6 is fine with 2.49a and yafaray which are both built with py2.6

Asdam - ensure that you have removed all traces of any earlier yafaray installation from your scripts folder. The only yafaray script I have is yafaray_ui.py. The output in you command window is fine. Mine is the same just before I press the render button.


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… I’ve made sure to replace everything from the old YafaRay, the dlls are placed in the Blender folder, but I couldn’t find any yaf_ui.py to put onto the Desktop.

should be in program files> yafaray

There’s none there. I searched my hard drive for it just to be sure, nothing. Just to confirm- You’re talking about a file named yaf_ui.py right?

This is the location of my yafaray_ui.py

Yafary itself is installed under Program Files / YafaRay


its, yafaray_ui.py isn’t it?