anybody has an idea what could be the problem?
10/15/08 5:33:04 PM [0x0-0x70070].org.blenderfoundation.blender[1509] Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
10/15/08 5:33:04 PM [0x0-0x70070].org.blenderfoundation.blender[1509] Compiled with Python version 2.5.1.
10/15/08 5:33:04 PM [0x0-0x70070].org.blenderfoundation.blender[1509] Checking for installed Python… got it!
I have yafaray 0.1.0
OS X 10.5.5
Python 2.5.1
Blender 2.48
I’ve uninstalled the previous Python (2.5), downloaded Python 2.6 and tried to install it, but at the end, it failed. There’s a message: run postflight script for Fix system Python. I’ve search what that mean with no success, and now Blender doesn’t start anymore.
Anyone knows how to deal with it?
Thanks for your help jensverwiebe, and sorry.
I’ve tried to download and install Python 2.5.1 (because I’ve follow the instructions on and erase it), but I’ve got the same error, and installation failed.
I’ll try with the installation DVD of 10.5, I may be luckier.
You can always open terminal and type: “python” to check what you have as active version.
This should look like this:
Jens-MacPro:~ jensverwiebe$ python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 15 2008, 22:57:26)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
Be aware that all adiitional installs from may disturb you installation, especially
higher versions. This was always true for Blender itself too. Python and Blenderversion must match (+ external scripts and in this case yafaray too ).
If you want use other Python, all components must be compiled using the specified version.
I will only provide the standard-python-install for compatibility.
We need reports to asure the quality of yafaray, so please send reports and testrenders.
Always include OS and yafaray-version in your report, like
OSX 10.5.5
YafaRay 0.1.0 - r 286
Blender 2.4.8
Problem: yadda yadda…
This way, all people will have fun from using this great renderer and benefit from progress.
P.S.: OSX version r286 in on the way- after getting reviewed internally, it will be published on
changes since rev. 282:
fix dispersion with photons
fix bug in buildtools with disabled libs
yet another intermediate irradiance cache commit
Animation rendering using the GUI, stop the rendering with ESC
I was read “yafaray book 3.pdf” but I found only Windows installation instruction:
“…It is necessary to have Python 2.5 installed to run
Yaf(a)Ray scripts” - no information for Linux or MacOS and no information about 2.5.1 or 2.5.2 python version - just 2.5.
As U recomend I was install 2.5.1 python.
Blender 2.47 with YaR r286 works fine
but with new blender 2.48a I can`t start YaR script
Im not first year with computers, Blender and yafray / YaR! With ubuntu x64 i haven't any problems - any! I have only problems with MacOS Im using only builds from oficial blender/YaR download sections
jensverwiebe - as U can see at the blender download section - there are ONLY OSX 10.4 builds - not 10.5.
May be this is the problem?
I want to sorry for my behaviour, but U must understand me - I`m using blender and YaR for commercial purposes and quality of renders are wery important to me.
Peace! Beer! Ganja!
As i said the Blender 2.4.8a/Py2.5 “custom” from works for me too.
The difference in the OSXintel-version is the used Python for compiling not
the major system-version ( runs on 10.3/10.4/10.5 afaik )
I never told someone to install Python 2.5 on OSX 10.5. Why should i ? It is included
in the system from day 1. ( + a 3.5 runtime-version for backwardscompatibility )
So again: Don´t install Python 2.5 on Leopard, it is already there.
Remaining issues may come from a muddled instalation.
So, now my configuretion is:
Leo 10.5.5
Python 2.5.1
Blender 2.48a from blender download page (blender-2.48a-OSX-10.4-py2.5-intel)
So I start blender, set path to pythonscripts, press Ctrl+u - save user defaults and start blender ones more. In render menu I found YafRay Export 003 - perss it, but blender crash!
In console:
Last login: Fri Oct 31 14:31:20 on ttys000
iMac-24:~ Yaroslav_L$ /Users/Yaroslav_L/Documents/unarchived/blender-2.48a-OSX-10.4-py2.5-intel/blender\ 2.48a/ ; exit;
Compiled with Python version 2.5.1.
Checking for installed Python… got it!
Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
Abort trap
When I do it with “special” 2.48 blender build I was download from I can start script and render pictures, but curves (extruded curves) are not rendered!
And I don`t know - this is the problem of “special” 2.48 blender build I was download from or original 2.48a has the same problem.