YafRay 0.0.4...

…is out!



YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWW!!! my favorite renderer updated once again!!! :smiley:

Nice to see. Great work.

Is there a complementary release of YaBle coming out soon?

I see a couple of warnings (though it seem to render alright, a little darker perhaps - perhaps, it could be due to some intermediate tweaking ):

[Warning]: ‘samples’ parameter obsolete, use ‘AA_passes’ instead
[Warning]: ‘tolerance’ parameter obsolete, use ‘AA_threshold’ instead

w00t w00t w00t!

(cough frontpage headline? cough)

thanks for the anouncement.

thanks for yafray.

and now we need a new yable.

You can get a new yable version (YableX) from http://www.kino3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=572&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=90. It’s not an official release from Andrea but uses his source code. Works very well for me here!


You can get a new yable version (YableX) from http://www.kino3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=572&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=90. It’s not an official release from Andrea but uses his source code. Works very well for me here!



edit: the threads in spanish or something :smiley:

Hans Petter

whats the difference? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Tobur for the link.

Thanks Andrea and Leope for the great YaBle scripts.

Finally, I was wondering what the last 2 posts were about. The bug report by S68 and fix by Leope. I tried to translate the dialog, but using machine translators is like trying to carry on a conversation on a telephone where every 10 seconds you get a burst of static. Sounded like it had something to do with path settings or animation properties???


thank you guys!

god blesses yaf-ware!