hi i am new to yafray
and i would like to know how you guys get you material and textures you created in blender into yafray?
i am on mac os x and read someting about crafter but that one is for win only.
hi i am new to yafray
and i would like to know how you guys get you material and textures you created in blender into yafray?
i am on mac os x and read someting about crafter but that one is for win only.
For now, you can not import materials directly from Blender to YAFray. There are built in procedurals in YableX now, in the Modulators tab.
If you want really good textures/materials, you will need to UV map your mesh and then apply SPEC, DIFFUSE, etc. layers within YableX, in the Modulators again by assigning the different images to the proper channels.
darn the problem is that yablex does not work on os x nor blender 2.28.
only exporter works but that does not cover the material stuff!!!
but ialso ask myself why people love it so much. well using uv image maps is an easy way to get the object texture into yafray but from what i see yafray is still pretty incomplet compared to 3deligth or tempest from pixels digital. but it renders quit fast.