Yafray Animation (Xvid and DivX) Update


Here is a simple animation rendered with Yafray (8 Mo and Xvid codec) :


Hdri lighting, 200 frames, about 3 days of rendering.

Lower quality (1Mo) with DivX codec is here :


really nice one :slight_smile:


I don’t seem to have the proper codec for it.

I’d comment, but I’m busy looking for my lower jaw…

Man I really have to learn how to do this Yafray thing.

:o This HDRI stuff keeps amazing me every time and again and again and…

And Modron, you can download the Xvid codec here.

In my opinion if you add a few more camera movements you have CG Talk material. Spectacular.

Well, for some reason it played upside down and the image was reversed, but other that that, it was just beautiful.

Great rendering.


In my opinion if you add a few more camera movements you have CG Talk material. Spectacular.

Jawdropping, best word for this.

Hdri lighting, 200 frames, about 3 days of rendering.

And it will take me three days of downloading on my dialup. Is there any way you can compress it into a .wmv file for the more primitive members of the community?

i concur, i really wanna see this.

Did you do something special to avoid flicker? I rendered an animation with HDRI a while ago and got a terrible flicker.

Very nice BTW!

I think the flicker problem comes from using the cached pathlight.
I could be wrong.

ahhh, that could be! I’ll try it with the good ole’ regular pathlight.

Great test rendered animation. Now get those wheels moving!

ok as obsqure codex go you win an award but seriously at least give us an mpeg 2 or something.

i can tbe bothered to download a codex everytime i wish to see a video clip

hmmm. not too shabby. shouldn’t this be in a “official” blender gallery somewhere?

i wish i had the slightest idea of how to get blender and yafray working together.

i used the hemilight, it’s faster than the pathlight.