YafRay cannot render my file

I’m trying to render something that renders with Blender internal renderer, but not with YafRay. And YafRay works here on my machine (any other scene I make it works, but stopped working when I was messing with materials for this specific scene: www.inf.pucrs.br/~grv/olho/olho.blend ).

This is the console output:

Scene conversion done.
No export directory set in user defaults!
Will try TEMP instead: C:\Users\JEFFER~1\AppData\Local\Temp
Yafray found at : C:\PROGRA~2\YafRay\

And stops there.

This is the XML generated:















    <mesh autosmooth="0.1" has_orco="off" >

    <mesh autosmooth="180" has_orco="off" >

    <mesh autosmooth="180" has_orco="off" >



Any ideas?

That happened to me once when I enabled “Output to XML” on Yafray export script window without having Blender’s User preferences>File Paths>YFexport set.

If that doesn’t help, go ahead to yafray official forum and ask away.

Something was wrong with a texture from a certain material. Removing the material and saving/reopening solved the problem.