Could anyone post a .blend which uses Yafray and creates caustics, or colored shadows?
I’ve read every thread on this and can’t get a thing.
All I’m trying to do is have a red crystal ball cast a red shadow on a blue plane. I’ve done this test in Povray and in BMRT, but can’t get it in Blender/Yafray.
I can’t even get the ball to be transparent. Turning down the alpha just makes the ball darker, not transparent. I can only get it to show a solid black shadow, and no caustics or refraction whatsoever. I’ve tried over 100 different settings (thanks to GW Bush I have lots of free time) simply can’t find anything else to try.
At least could someone post a tute showing which buttons must be turned on and off for this to work? What kind of lights do I need?
Yes I’ve read the other threads and tried their suggestions.
Yes I’ve read the changelog.
Yes I’ve read the Yafray docs and have GI turned on, etc.
Haven’t had time to examine in depth or try it with yafray yet, but did one on Blenders internal and suprised by what I saw. While the ball doesn’t look red, it DOES show reraction AND a colored shadow. I was under the impression that you needed to use Yafray for that!
I’m sure this will help me get what I need, and if Blenders internal renderer can do it, so much the better. It’s faster tthan any other renderer I have in my collection. Thanks again.