please can you inform me why yafray is preferred over blender’s internal renderer (albeit with a duplivert spot lamp setup and and evironment map for the reflections)?
Umm, I would like to see more definition of the grip (the lighting only allows me to guess at it’s detail by it’s shilouette), and to somehow get rid of those “waterspots” on the reflective areas except the top end
hrmm, is that a 0.09 mm pencil? I’ve never seen a 0.05 nor 0.07 mm that thick at the end
what kind of light setup did you use? Is that grain on the pencil caused by path or hemilight, or what is it? If it is, try cached pathlight.
Also, a bit more antialiasing wouldn’t hurt.
Other than that it’s goodie
yafray is not prefered by everyone, but when you want realistic reflections, hdri, caustics, diffuse lights than you have to use a raytracer, the present scanline renderer is not capable, though clever faking is possible, but it’s still not going to be the same.
its using a hemilight, and 100 ( :o ) AA passes. i dont know what the grain is from.
its a 0.7, youre right, it is too thick.
i couldnt get the spotlights i had to do anything other than make a bright spon on the plane, not the actual pencil, so i got rid of them.
ill do a new one with a reflective surface, because thats just good fun.
thanks guys
grain has nothing to do with aa, i thought?
but my pen has some deepenings in the clip. maybe some more detail there would make it look better.
use the yaf wiki or the board for the grain.
you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. ever wonder why there are so many renderers for max out there? because max (like blender) has a scanline renderer.
of course you havent, those sizes dont exist.
I don’t think its prefered over Blender’s renderer, but it can achieve results that Blenders renderer just cannot.
Yeah…I suppose you can fake everything (and I will agree, that sometimes this is the best thing to do) but TRUE reflections are easier to get and GI is easier and better looking (IMHO).
Besides, the dude just rendered something with with YAfray. Lighten up.
All that said
Nice render the reflections are nice but I agree with the others that the tip is a little thick. The grain isn’t a AA problem. If you turn up the samples on the pathlight params, that should help. I have never used the pathlight (I use the hemi instead :)) but I assume its the same thing…someone will (hopefully) correct me if im wrong.
The tip? I don´t think that´s the tip. Looks alright to me…
it is using a hemi light
the other end (not the tip) shines too much IMHO …but really nice work though …i’m still light-years away from renders that great!
Strange. It seemed to me like z3r0 d knew what he was talking about. And unless I am mistaken (which, I must admit, I often am), I know more than you do about 3d rendering, Blendermax.
Well, I must state first of all that not everyone does. Often, the convenience of the built in renderer (i.e. you don’t have to set it up) keeps people using it.
However, the people who prefer yafray usually prefer it because of its more advanced rendering capabilities, which make realistic renderings more easily obtainable, with less user intervention. Of course, that ease comes at the expense of longer rendering times.
Strange. It seemed to me like z3r0 d knew what he was talking about. And unless I am mistaken (which, I must admit, I often am), I know more than you do about 3d rendering, Blendermax.[/quote]
in this situation yafray might not have been the best choice…but generally its far better (raytracing, pathtracing, and all the other yummy stuff). sorry about the rant, but im just a total yafray buff… %|
:o :o