hy there!!
got some problems in a indoor scene im making. i actually sucks at lightning and texturing, so im testing thousands of stuff. in yafray,can i render with a full gi and also some lamps?? i need to set the xml by hand??
what i need to write?? tnx
no need to set the xml by hand,…my advice is just keep doing it until you get a feel for the difference between blender and yafray lights. yafray lights are far more sensitive imo.
sorry if i cant explain myself…
i got a scene with 2 lights already set (lights coming from 2 windows in a room). then i set the renderer to yafray, set gi to full, and render. i cant see the lights i have, just the results of gi. i will try again…
sorry modron. actually it really works (at least i guess) i need to try a few more times (and things go slow when you render and run ilustrator, photoshop and go live at the same time!!
but i got some weir spots on my scene. when i finish another render, i will post it and see if people at elysiun can help me,