Yafray Material Questions

I can’t seem to post this over on the YaFray boards. I get a ‘User name has already been taken’ msg after I registered once, got a connection timeout msg, re-registered and got an e-mail AND username already taken msg… So ill ask here…please forgive me! :wink:

How can I lower the spec and hardness values of a material? Is it possible to do with the Bagisas gui? Thanks


How can I lower the spec and hardness values of a material? Is it possible to do with the Bagisas gui? Thanks

It is possible with Bagisas (v0.0.5):

  • Select the shader/material you want to edit in the treepanel
  • Edit -> Copy to Shaderpanel
  • Spec can be altered with the colorselector: Click on “Spec” (upper right hand side), select the color you want, click on “Spec” again to set the color
  • Hard: well, just edit the “Hard” value on the left side
  • “Copy to tree” to make the settings permanent
  • If Hard & Spec are already set, you can even edit the values in the table in the treepanel

Hope that helps.

If that is true then how come when i edit the hardness value and the spec color, niether change is apparent when i render the material?

Did you “Copy to tree” after you changed the settings? The preview should always work.

Yes i did. See, even in the preview render, it the spec and hardness dont change. And just to clarify, ‘hard’ is the param that edits hardness rite?


Yes, I think so, that ‘hard’ is the ‘hardness’ rite.
This seems to be a yafray problem, I can’t help you any further, sorry. :expressionless: Maybe if you post the material ovre at yafray.org somebody can help you. (Well, use another name or mail jandro your account-problems)

For example, after changing the value of, lets say color, in the shader, notice that it is pressed. but it is color still the same not like the one you have set in the color pallete underneath it. So here you have to press it.

I hope this help in some way.

Now that’s what I call an informative screenshot! :smiley:
But I think dante knows how to use shaderpanel, he might have some shader problems with yafray, and no problem with Bagisas. (At least I hope so ;))
BTW: dante, you can save your shader from the shaderpanel with Shader -> Save Shader Code. That way you don’t need to cut it from your XML-file if you’re going to post it.

well, I think you are right, I have just read his post again and I can see that my mini-tut. was useless to a certain point, but I guess someone might benefit from it anyway :D.

The problem that i keep having is that the hardness value doesnt seem to change no matter what. If i set the hard value to 999 and render, and then set it to 1 and render, i get results that are almost identical.

Another question that I have that wasn’t in my original post is: How can you change the level of transparency that an object has? It appears as if you can only turn transparency ‘on’ or ‘off’


check this,

this is the first part:

then continue here:

now, I hope this help

Aargh, I am NO yafray expert! :frowning: I only wrote a GUI for it, that doesn’t mean I know what every button is for… %| :expressionless:
I think you also have to set “Spec” (very dark) to influence the “Hard” value.
You can controll the transparency level with a darker “Trans”-color, as Evry showed in his screenshots.