holy crap !!!
Yafray News page has updated twice in the last 2 days !!!
(wonders if they are doing great and wonderful things again…)
no, i have not browsed the forums to see either…so im going on a limb here :]
holy crap !!!
Yafray News page has updated twice in the last 2 days !!!
(wonders if they are doing great and wonderful things again…)
no, i have not browsed the forums to see either…so im going on a limb here :]
I received an e-mail they were busy updating the gallery, so let’s hope they’ll be back soon.
Updating the news page is alot easier than actually working on yafray %|
can’t a dreamer dream ?
you’ve dashed my hopes…
‘Ask Not What YafRay Can Do For You…’
I think that yafray situation is pretty clear for everyone, so I really don’t see the point of keeping asking this question over and over again.
Yafray is not dead.
Elvis is dead.
Information about current situation of Yafray:
And besides, what else is to be updated other than just making YafRay faster?
uh, lots of stuff…
What’s the matter flipped stephen?
Are you not skilled or capable enough to make decent work with the recent Yafray version?
no, thats not it :]
(you obviously haven’t seen my works…hrm…)
i just like it so much…i think that maybe a little speed increase would be better…
and maybe some tighter integration with the stuff that it provides(but blender doesn’t support yet…) but i guess that would be more of the blender dev’s side of things. hmm…
oh well…maybe i should do that(since i am a professional coder…ha)
It would be useful to have it so that yafray can render with decals and image textures. As far as my experience goes, it cannot. If it can can someone please tell me how?
I was wonderin if this new blender render recode will surpass yafray?
I was wonderin if this new blender render recode will surpass yafray?
nope. no GI.
and nephets: a speed increase is the my only major concern.
why not?
What about proper displacement and support for particles (so u can see particle fur etc)? Blender doesnt even have proper displacement yet though, so not sure if they could add it to yafray. If you look at the displacement in other programs, its a render time displacement that doesnt displace verticies, but the surface between verticies, and that allows you to make a lot more detailed render, but not have to have a huge mesh. It also gives a better option than the set smooth.
Cant wait to see these features
Updating the news page is alot easier than actually working on yafray
let’s not be too critical. they are volunteers with lives after all.
it’s not a question of being easier, but of time available for development.
Kind of off topic, but does the Blender Render recode include photon mapping?
why not?[/quote]
AFAIK Ton said right from the start that the recode was a clean up operation which would naturally open up more possibilities…he’s not really adding any new features as such. However, what he’s doing will make it easier to add functionality at a later date.