If anyone could help I would be really grateful! When trying to render a scene in blender it usually works fine, but when I use YafRay and turn off xml, the whole blender program crashes and I have no idea why! Do you need to download the YafRay program seperate and then install it to use all of its functions in blender? Or is there some widely known problem about it that only I don’t know :o. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since most people agree that YafRay is better at rendering :yes:.
Do you need to download the YafRay program seperate and then install it to use all of its functions in blender?
yes you do >> www.yafray.org
I think the perfect information to investigate on this is the information about the operating system you are using.
Best regards,
Hello. I have some problems with Nodes. When I create Node material YafRay don’t render it, but Blender Internal can. Where is the problem?
Sorry my bad english.
Yafray doesn’t support Materialnodes (yet). As easy as that.
But the next time it might be a good idea to a) do a search before asking and b) open up a new thread, so that things don’t get too mixed up here
^^; getting black screen when rendering with yafray. When i tried to use yafray from shell here’s what i got:
Loading plugins from ‘/usr/local/lib/yafray’…
[WARNING]: found 0 plugins!
[Warning]: Unknown shader type colorband
[Warning]: Unknown shader type blendershader
[Warning]: Unknown shader type blendershader
[Error]: undefined shader blender_default object ignored
[Error]: undefined shader blender_default object ignored
[Error]: undefined shader MAGlass object ignored
[WARNING]:Unused param cast_shadows in light
[WARNING]:Unused param color in light
[WARNING]:Unused param from in light
[WARNING]:Unused param power in light
[WARNING]:Unused param caus_depth in light
[WARNING]:Unused param depth in light
[WARNING]:Unused param photons in light
[WARNING]:Unused param radius in light
[WARNING]:Unused param search in light
[WARNING]:Unused param caus_depth in light
[WARNING]:Unused param depth in light
[WARNING]:Unused param power in light
[WARNING]:Unused param samples in light
[Warning]: Wrong type for background constant
[Loader]: Added camera MAINCAM
Using a world resolution of 0.0024854 per unit
Rendering with 5 raydepth
2 anti-alias passes and 4 minimum samples per pass, 8 samples total.
[Warning]: Background world_background does not exist
Building bounding tree … OK
Light setup …
Setting up lights …
Finished setting up lightsLaunching 1 threads
Render pass: [##]
Saving Targa file as /home/kuder/Blender_things/yfexport/YBtest.tga
i am actually worrying about this part:
[quote]Loading plugins from ‘/usr/local/lib/yafray’…
[WARNING]: found 0 plugins!
Any solutions, please? ^^;
I have Yafray 9 installed.
I am sure all lights set up properly, 'cause on my friend’s system the same scene renders perfectly.
That’s strange, because I’m experiencing the same problem with 2.44. It works for me in 2.43, but not in 2.44. I’m using Ubuntu 7.04, and 2.43 is a built-in package. I downloaded 2.44 myself. Hope that helps you guys. I’m planning on taking a closer look at why its not working this weekend - just found the problem today.
If yafray renders a black screen then it needs a file called libIlmImf.so.2 which is in openEXR along with a few other .so files.
Google for libIlmImf.so.2 to find which linux rpm is suitable for your system.
I dont know if the same is required in windows.
Worked for me and now I can yafray render in Blender 2.44.
Thanks to all who helped
It’s an old problem with different libaries of Ubuntu and Blender/Yafray.
I compiled Blender 2.44 and Yafray 0.0.9 on Ubuntu 6.06 and it works fine with XML turned off.