yafray transparency shadows, all black inside glass

This is a simple solid block inside glass block test with yafray.
I have yafray’s raydepth turned up to 80, gamma turned up to max and anything I put inside glass is still black. How do I get the glass in yafray to not make a dark shadow?

yafray 0.09, latest blender 2.43rc1
Here’s the simple blend file…



Render -> GI
A photon lamp maybe?
Ray depth 80 is kinda large?

Try turning ‘Ray Shadow’ OFF for the lamp you are using.

I was told Yafray doesn’t have or support coloured shadows, thus the light that are inside a glass medium would only contain black shadows.

A quick test to show transparent shadows in Yafray:

I had turned up the depth to 80 because a previous person here had the same problem and the solution was to turn up the depth. Photon lamp+ full GI doesn’t do anything for me.
Turning ray shadow off works but it’d look more real if I had a light shadow for the glass.
Thanks pairal, but how did you do that? What lights and materials? I tried the same thing but it only came up with black shadows again.


You can find the blend in http://www.pairal.net/TransShadow.blend
It’s a little messy, I was just trying to test it.

maybe you were using Z-trans? You should use ray-traced transparency.


Thanks, disabling traceable works the same as disabling ray shadow. No shadows at all.

I think I’ve figured it out, it’s to do with the lighting, this is what I had to do…

  • use a plane with emit 1.0 as light source. lamp/area/spotlight just makes a black shadow.
  • turn on full gi, turn up the emitpwr + gi pwr in the cache settings so the emit plane has more power.

Thanks all, I learnt more about GI and what it does.